The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Page 66
Medical board notifies Mark that his medical license can be annulled.
The Capwell's house. CC is going downstairs with a box in his hand. It contains Mary's belongings that he wants to send to her mother. Sophia says that Mary saved her life, and she lost a close friend. CC answers that he lost a daughter.
One of the Capwell's lawyers comes and says that Theda has filed a case against the hotel, and she wants two million dollars. He advises to redirect the case to the building company. CC agrees but he thinks it is necessary to pay two million dollars. However, the lawyer says that, in addition to this case, Mary's mother has filed a moral damage claim, and with the district attorney help, she wants to initiate a criminal case against them.

Mason is looking through condolence cards. In the magazine for nurses that is lying on the table he finds Mark's picture and tears it.

Mason is holding Mary's cross in his hands. The doorbell rings. Gina has come with flowers, and she offers condolences. She says she is sorry the accident has happened but Mason says that is was not an accident and guilty persons will be punished. They speak about the memorial service. She says she bought a mess card on Mary's name, she and offers the help. Mason thanks Gina but asks her to leave. Gina does it unwillingly.
When the door closes behind her, Mason opens the table box and takes four envelopes out of there. He looks through them, and then tears the last one.
Julia comes to Mason. She is indignant, as Mason wants to deprive her of the right to legal practice, and she explains that the only thing she wanted is to help Mary. Mark appears he is also indignant, as he can lose his medical license. Mason says that he has notified the medical board about the frame up of medical, and he is going to have the case reexamined.
Both Julia and Mark are convincing Mason of their innocence of Mary's death. Julia asks Mason to withdraw an action, and Mason says he will state his decision later. Mark and Julia go away. Mason goes to the table and calls Gina. He asks her to do him a favour. He has three envelopes on his table.
Mark comes to the Capwells and asks Sophia's help but she refuses. Gina passes to Mark the note from Mason.
It says: "Mark, I think you were right about my being overemotional, what do you says if we put the end to hostilities? Meet me at the Orient Express at eight tonight. Mason".
Mark asks Gina about it but she knows nothing. He leaves.
Mason is going to leave but he runs into CC, who has brought him Mary's belongings.
CC knows that it was Mason who advised Theda to sue him, and convinces him to control his temper. Mason does not believe in the father's sympathy and says he took away from him two women he loved, his mother and Mary. He promises CC that he will lose everyone he loves. It will be revenge.

The Beginning: 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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