Transcripts from 338 episode

Great Thanks to Clarisse McClellan!

Mason's first meeting with Mother Isabel
Next morning Mother Isabel comes over to the Capwells' looking for Mary. Mason happens to open the door.

Mother Isabel: Man, I don't know what Mary's done to offend you, but she happens to be one of my dearest and oldest friends and I'd thank you to keep your sarcastic insinuations to yourself. Good Day.
Mason: No, no, no. Mother Isabel please don't go. I apologise. Actually, in spite of what I've pledged to think, I'm one of Mary's greatest admirers.
Mother Isabel: You have a very odd way of showing it.
Mason: It's just that I worked so hard to get close to her. We've been through a lot these past few months and I realise that the course of true etc. never did run smooth. I… truly felt like we were making progress. Lately I began to wonder.
Mother Isabel: Why?
Mason: Mary has become… destructed.
Mother Isabel: By her work at the clinic?
Mason: Nothing so becoming.
Mother Isabel: You mean by other men.
Mason: It's… a cruel and complicated world we live in. Mother Isabel, I don't suppose a woman of your station ever runs into it.
Mother Isabel: We have to live in the world too, you know. We may not always want to, but we do.
Mason: I'm talking about certain… personal relationships.
Mother Isabel: Mr Capwell, hard as this may be for you to believe, being a nun hasn't rendered me altogether insensitive to human emotions. Obviously you have a great deal of affection for Mary.
Mason: I do.
Mother Isabel: May I ask, is it mutual?
Mason: She gave me every indication. Well, not every.
Mother Isabel: I understand.
Mason: The sad fact is that I've come to realise Mary is not really… ghm… committed to me.
Mother Isabel: What I've seen of her, that's the least of her problems.
Mason: You mean there is another one?
Mother Isabel: I think Mary is a very troubled woman these days. She certainly… she lacks the serenity she had in the convent. To be perfectly honest I don't think she was ready to leave when she did. But as you may know there was a family crisis and she felt needed.
Mason: I hope you're not saying that she should return.
Mother Isabel: Oh, that would be Mary's decision of course. I'm not surprised you'd object.
Mason: I don't know if I'd survive it. But I'd certainly prefer it to seeing her with another man.

Mary is upset, Mason is heartbroken
Mark and Mary are at the clinic. Mark kisses Mary on the cheek.

Mary: Oh, what was that for?
Mark: That's for yesterday. For being such a good friend.
Mary: Well, now if I just can help you find your wife.
Mark: I... I already have one private detective on the payroll. I don't think I can afford another one. Besides... I think you already have enough problems to contend with.
Mary: What are you talking about?
Mark: Listen, Mary. I think this friendship business should be a two-way street. Right? You were a big help to me yesterday, so why don't I return the favour?
Mary: Mark, I'm just so confused.
Mark: About what?
Mary: It's not a "what", it's a "who". Someone I... care about very much and... that I thought... cared about me. And suddenly I am not sure if I really knew him.

* * *

Mary is about to leave the clinic when Mark comes back.

Mary: You're back again?
Mark: Back again. Yeah... I've locked myself out today. I tried Lower State Street. There's nothing down there, only restaurants and even more bars.
Mary: Did you call the detective?
Mark: I tried. Only he wasn't in.
Mary: All right, look. I was able to switch my shift at the Capwells'. So why don't you and I go out, find ourselves a little patch of sun, because I think both of us could use a little soul restoration.
Mark: Oh, lead on. Lead on!
Mary: Bye Bill! See you tomorrow!
Mark: Lead on!

* * *

At the same time Mason is alone at home. He is in the atrium thinking about Mary and feeling lonely and jealous.

The background song is "People in Love" by Kenny Rogers.

People in love
They've got it all
They've got the world in their hands
Chosen their eyes
There's no way to hide
Of the love that we had.

People in love
Live everyday
Knowing each other by heart
A power of two
Leading them through
Like a torch in the dark.

Love seemed so far away
I never dreamed I could be
One of those people in love.

But I found you
To give up my love in two
Only you
I never dreamed we could be
Two of those people in love.

People in love take care forever
Knowing someone truly cares
Love is the key
Of those who believe
Of a lifetime to share

Mary and Mark come back to the Capwell house.

Mary: Oh, what a gorgeous day. I should take walks more often.
Mark: Oh, it's amazing what a little of fresh air and sunshine can do for the spirit.
Mary: Yep.
Mark: For a while I actually felt that my life was in pretty good shape.
Mary: Me too.
Mark: So we're gonna take another walk?
Mary: I can't. My shift is about to start.
Mark: Back to the real world, hah?
Mary: Yep, one of them anyway.
Mark: I suppose I should get back to the clinic.
Mary: M-m...
Mark: OK...

Mason comes along.

Mason: Well, well. Look who is finally here. I hope I'm not interrupting anything.
Mark: Oh, I was... just leaving.
Mason: I'm disappointed in you, Mary. I used to think I could depend on you.
Mary: What are you talking about?
Mason: I think you know.
Mary: Yeah! I think I do! And I don't think it's fare, Mason. I haven't taken any time off in weeks. And... and I... I did get a replacement.
Mason (looking at Mark): I can see that.
Mark: Ahm... Excuse me. Mary, I'm gonna take off.
Mary: Ahm... Just a minute, Mark. I'll walk you to your car. I bet it's nicer outside than it is inside. A lot!

Mary and Mark leave.

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