The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall - Page 13

The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Page 13
Mason tries to explain Mary everything but he cannot deny his affairs with Gina. Shocked Mary runs away. She feels herself betrayed and she is very disappointed. Mason is mad. He shouts at Gina that he is her worst enemy now and he will never forgive what she has done.
He arrives to the clinic to Mary and tries to explain her everything. He tells honestly about his affairs with Gina in the past but says that it is all over long time ago. He asks Mary to forgive him. Mary calmly answers that she forgives him - everybody should be granted forgiveness - but everything is over between them. Mason is in horror but he cannot do anything. Mary does not want to see him and speak to him.
Gina attempts to make it up with Mason but she fails. Out of malice she scratches his cheek.
Mason searches her room and finds pills that Gina slipped in Eden's wine when she tried to make Eden to turn CC's life-support system off. He thinks it is the drugs (once Gina has been taking drugs and Brandon suffered from it, when having them found and taken he could hardly survive), but actually Gina gave them to Eden when she wanted Eden to unplug CC's life support system. Mason says he wants Gina to confess for what she used the pills.

And also he finds out CC's will and burns it.

Mason hides a dictaphone to record her confession. Gina believes Mason knows she has given the pills to Eden and begins telling how she has arranged attempted CC's murder.
At the very moment Mason sees Mary walking in the corridor and he come out of the room to talk to her. They quarrel again.
When Mason returns, Gina is finishing her confession. He asks her to repeat it all again but she refuses and goes away. Mason is going to listen to the cassette but Ted, who says that they were informed about forest fires at the summer camp to which Sophia has taken Brandon, interrupted him. However, Mason is sure that Gina is taking drugs and appoints Santana as a guardian to Brandon. It turns out soon that Sophia and Lionel are in danger of death.
Mason and Lionel's son Warren fly to the fire zone by helicopter and find Sophia and Lionel, who have not suffered.

The Beginning: 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
11 part 12 part 13 part 14 part 15 part 16 part 17 part 18 part 19 part 20 part
21 part 22 part 23 part 24 part 25 part 26 part 27 part 28 part 29 part 30 part
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