The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall
The Beginning

Part 25
CC Capwell enters the house and heard the phone call but does not have time to take it off. Santana came downstairs. She says that if the call was really important they surely to call back. She notes that CC looks tired and supposes him go upstairs and take a nap. CC accepts it and goes upstairs.
Mason answers the phone and replies that he does not know when his father will be home exactly. He doesn't expect him too much before evening. Seated next Gina woos Mason. When he hangs up, she says he should not answer the phone anymore. Nothing has to stop them.
Mason looking though documents and discussing his reuniting with the family. Gina asks him about Eden. Mason says that his sister is not really a serious contender. The main thing is Ted's acquaintance at this rape charge and the family can be... can be united again. Sophia is a bit of a problem. He's always gonna resent her for taking his mother's place but he can deal with. That he can do with anything. The six months in exile talking a lot about survival.
Gina continues her woos but Mason's mind is taken of his businesses and he's not listening to her. Finally Gina starts to unbutton his shirt and kisses him. Mason did not immediately understand her intentions but when he realizes it he firmly says "no". He does not think it's a good idea at all. That doesn't fit into the scheme of things anymore.
Gina is outraged and upset. How could he reject her? She feels humiliated herself. Mason feels sorry and asks her to calm down. Gina is still upset. She feels herself unused.
Mason says that she is a very sexy lady, but he just wouldn't be right now. Things have changed. His father has made a genuine and very difficult for him attempt at reconciliation. The ramifications of that are so enormous that Mason won't do anything to jeopardize it. Certainly nothing is more dangerous then the sleeping with father's new wife. Gina replies that she's not really his wife anymore. It's just a name. CC doesn't love her. He's love Sophia and he's cast her off. Nobody wants her now. Not CC, not Mason. She can never have a baby at her own. She just can't. She wants be loved. That's the only thing that's kept her sane. She asks Mason to make loveto her. Asks him to make her feel wanted again. Gina kisses Mason and he does not push her off.
Gina continues to persuade Mason but he begins to be sarcastic. Gina knows that he was excited about this as she was. But Mason did not want to tempt fate. They continue to bicker. Gina does not want to accept the word "no".
Finally Gina almost yells that she can have any man, but she wants Mason. He agrees: it's true that she can have any man she wants. The answer is simple: she'll want another man.
CC goes down the hall and stops when he hears voices behind the door of Kelly's room.
Santana going upstairs and it suddenly strikes her that her scheme can hurt Brandon. Gina is Brandon's mother and he loves her after all. Santana quickly goes upstairs.
CC's listening to voices of inside Kelly's room.
Gina apologizes to Mason. She did not want to cry to him. He is the only man she wants. Let he just looks at her. She takes off her blouse and pulled Mason closer. Mason uncertainly says that it's very foolish. Gina kisses him and makes him to lie down on the bed.
They continue to kiss, and at that moment they hear CC's voice who asked who in the room. Mason and Gina are in a panic. CC calls Kelly, and then calls Gina and asks if she is OK. Mason whispers Gina to say that she's OK but she was too scared.
CC decides to find out what's going on. He pulls out the bunch of keys and trying to choose the right one.
Panic-stricken Gina presses Mason down keeping him from getting out of the bed. CC yells through the door that he comes in.

* * *

Santana sees CC at the door and trying to prevent him from coming in. But CC finally chooses the right key, enters the room and sees Gina and Mason together in the bed.
CC's in shock, anger and horror. He yells at Mason and punches him in face. Gina tries to say CC that it's not the way it looks, but she's fail.
CC yells that it is the way it's been probably for weeks or months behind his back and demands that Gina and Mason get out his house immediately. Then he feels bad and quickly goes away. Santana runs after him.
Panicking Gina says what they are done now. Mason says that they'd blown, that's what they have done. They'd blown this whole thing sky high.

* * *

Mason and Gina are hastily dressing. Gina moans that CC wasn't supposed to be at home. They both heard how he said he was going to the office. Mason says that people may change their plans. He told her at this morning that the whole thing was too risky. Not in this house he said. Not in this house.
Gina trying to defend herself but Mason goes even more. He said her that it's too dangerous but she had to come in here with her designer lingerie and her massages and her less than honorable intentions. Gina afraid that CC may divorce her and take Brandon away. She couldn't stand it, she'll be dead! Mason reminds her that she has to stay in control if she got a prayer of keeping Brandon. Falling apart is not gonna help matters. He also says that it's he should be slitting his wrists here. She knows how long he does have lived as an outcast in his own family? Finally he's allowed back into the sanctum Santorum, finally he truce with his father and where is gone now? Gina cannot stand his blaming words. Mason adds that there not only that! He's expected to pick him up, just himself off get back to the courtroom and try to save his little brother from a jail sentence it seems more inevitable! Gina asks him to say what they gonna do. Mason wearily says he does not know. He can't move.
Gina says it's not like him. When she was at the hospital she was gonna give everything up him. He always had the right answers. He still has. And she's very scared. She's never been so scared. Mason replied that she better get used because she's on your own now and so he is. She doesn't have Capwells to fall back on anymore. And it's a cold hard and ruthless world out there without their patronage. Gina says that she cannot go back to the way she used to live before Capwells. She couldn't do that again.
Mason says she'll better figure out some way to salvage something out of all this. Because it's gonna be a bloodbath. At this point they hears CC's voice outside. He demands Mason and Gina immediately get down.
"After you," Mason says to Gina and follows her to the door.

Mason and Gina walk down the hall. CC reluctantly turns to both of them and tells Gina that he's gonna start divorce proceedings against her immediately. He should have done it a long time ago. About Mason. He gonna keep his lawyer very busy because his inclusion back in CC's will and as a director of the corporation it's all gonna be changed again.

Gina says that she'll leave everything behind. Clothing, jewelry - she do not care. But she's taking Brandon with her. CC says that she not even gonna be see little Brendan because he get through with her. Gina begs him to give her son, but CC adamant. Gina yells that she will take her son anyway and do get her own lawyer.
"You do," CC ironically says. She knows what attorney will tell her. About the perfect definition of an unfit mother up. She's irresponsible pitiful junkie and lost the case out of court in two minutes.
Mason does not stand up and interferes. CC realizes that Gina's meaning Mason as her lawyer and tells to Mason not try to his courtroom tactics on him. Especially since they're so weak. Mason asks what CC tries to say. CC says that he does gonna find for Ted some better representation because he don't think Mason's handling it very well. Mason says he doing everything that can possibly be done. But CC mocked him and says that Mason's spending a little time on Ted's case and have free time for playing with wife of his own father! Gina indignantly asks how he dares to say that if he cheated her with Sophia! She hasn't done anything to him that he has not done to her. CC quietly says that she's wrong here. He hasn't been having an affair with Sophia. Yes, he loves Sophia. He won't deny that but he has not slept with her when he was married to another woman. At this point CC feels the strike of his headache again.
Mason sarcastically says that his father seems have vapors. He must be getting a little old for this kind of excitement. CC shouting to both of them to get out of the house. Now! Mason says Gina "comes on" but she does not going anywhere without Brandon. CC says that he and Sophia will raise him. At this point Sophia comes in the house. She realizes that something is wrong and wants to call CC's doctor. But firstly he asks her to call Jack Lee. He needs to get Mason and Gina out of his will before it's too late.

* * *

CC dictates Jack Lee his instructions about the will. Removing Mason should be simple enough. They just can return to the terms were there before. Gina's be excluded the same as Mason. But he doesn't want Brandon's position be diminishing in any way. CC wants Jack to investigate what CC has to do to retain custody. Gina is not going to raise that boy! At this point the doctor comes in and rushes to CC to make examination.
CC explains Jack that he had an aneurysm in his brain which can lead to death. But this is very confidential. The doctor tells CC that he may suffered a small stroke and he need to get him to a place where he can do the proper test on him. CC looks at Jack and insists that Mason and Gina should not to know about this.

* * *

Gina and Mason faced with Santana in the hallway. Gina immediately yells that Santana set up all. Santana admits that she wanted it but changed her mind at the last minute. Gina screams that she's a liar, and Santana replies that Gina is exactly what CC said. She is an unfit mother! Santana's not very happy with the way things turned out here today but she's so happy Gina is not be messing up in her son's life anymore.
Gina screams that she loves Brandon and Brandon loves her. And Santana cannot stand knowing it, can she? Santana replies that Gina loves him so much that she would often play in the bed with Mason. Gina slaps Santana, Santana slaps Gina. Mason trying to keep angry ladies apart.

* * *

The doctor is trying to convince CC to go in the hospital. This is very serious; he's already lost the feeling in his right hand. He need rest, isolation and supervision. The doctor don't think CC's going to get it around here. CC grudgingly says he can rest at home. As soon as Gina and Mason get not around here going to be more peaceful. At this point they heard the screams and sounds of fight. Sophia goes upstairs to check and the doctor notices that it doesn't sound very peaceful whatever it is. CC should be in the hospital or the doctor should well wash his hands on him.
Under doctor's gaze, Jack says that don't agree with CC but he just know how stubborn can be his old friend. CC asks Jack work fast for him as Jack can. He can do nothing to help except get his affairs in order alright. Jack accepts it and leaves.

* * *

Sophia breaks up Santana and Gina and reminds that there's the sick man downstairs.
She takes Santana away to nursing her scratches, and Gina and Mason are left alone. Gina says she's worse than she'll ever be. Sophia already taken away her husband and Santana wants take her little boy! But it's fighting for her son. Anything she have to do she will do. Even if she'll killed in a jail.
"So is Santana," Mason adds.

* * *

Gina and Mason come down and see that CC's doctor leaves. Mason asks what the doctor said.
CC says that he not needs to talk to him. As he'd take care about treacherous people as he will be fine. He has already taken steps with his lawyer. They both can get out. Gina says again that she's not going anywhere without Brandon. CC says that she have nothing to say about. Mason reminds that CC have no the right to take Gina's child away her. That's the law. CC objects that it is not a good for the boy to leave his house. Mason concludes that so Gina must stays in this house until the court decides otherwise. He asks the father to think about Brandon. If it good if the only mother who Brandon ever knowing disappear without a word?
CC reluctantly agrees and tells Gina that she can stay here until the divorce is finalized. But God help her if she come anywhere near him. He does not want to see Mason also.
"You are no longer my son," CC says. "Get out!"
Mason silently goes out and in the doorway facing with joyful Eden. She tells him that she and Cruz are getting married.
Mason smiles for a moment and congratulates her but then he say's that he doesn't think now is the time for a wedding announce. Eden suggests that he and dad were fighting again. Mason says that the new war has been declared. It's time he may be fight to the death.

* * *

CC tells Eden that he been told that he had a small stroke. He tells her about his aneurysm and that he may soon to die. Eden's almost crying.
Also CC says that he can have a massive stroke and it leaves him incapacitated in a coma. And he wants Eden to promise to take him off. He does not want to let a bunch of tubs and machines give him a life. Confused Eden makes her promise but she does not believe that his father's dying. He not can die.

* * *

Mason calls Lindsay Smith and asks about a favor. He wants to see how CC does when he finds out about his precious Channing's escapades with Mr. Smith.

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