The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall
The Beginning

Part 35
Mary and Cruz are still on the way to Ventura, Mary's afraid that they may be too late for save Christy.
Repeat of the scene of Christy's shot. Fatally wounded Steve manages to take a few steps and collapses.
Then he says gloatingly that Christy murdered him and now she'll pay. She'll go to jail for 20 years and it'll keep her from Ted. And he dies.
Christy's in shock. Ted's kneeling near Steve checks his pulse and says that Steve is dead. Christy freaks out repeating that she did not mean to kill him. And now she's going to jail just like said Steve.
Ted says it was the accident - and he saw that it was the accident, he will be her witness! But Christy says that no one would believe it. The thing is the revenge here. She wants to run away but Ted manages to calm her and tries to ask more about Steve. Was he who raped her? He's the one she had been running from? Why Steve decided to accuse Ted? Why did he hate him?
After answering "yes" to the first two questions Christy explains that coincidence: Steve was aware about they had the fight just before, and Christy kept saying Ted's name as she was unconscious in the hospital. So yes, Steve hated Ted. He's been jealous ever since that her mom's birthday day. He started to hate Ted then and he just never stopped. Because he thought Christy was seeing Ted. Ted says that he like going to call the police and report this thing. Christy is afraid that she'll go to prison for 20 years. Even if there'll just another trial - she could not be though!
Ted offers to say to the police that Steve wanted to shoot Ted. Christy does not think that the police ever believe it. Ted promises that she will not go to jail, and everything will be alright. It's all over. Christy's nervous, wondering what she's going to say to her mother and Mary who are due in any minute. Ted worries about they would tell to the police. Yes, they can claim - and they will claim - that it was self-defense but they have the problem with the position of the body. Christy shot Steve in the back. Now that's others going to see that. They're going to tell that that is not immediate self-defense. But what is worse is Steve doesn't have a weapon and he doesn't have anything!
At his last words Christy's face light up and she says that Ted is not right. Steve carried the gun. And she shows at the gun in Steve's pocket. Delighted Ted offers to say that Steve got the gun in his hand and he's pointing it at Ted and he's going to kill him. Christy has to try to kill him for save Ted's life. Christy says that Steve had not the gun in his hand now but Ted replies that they can make it look that way. Christy wants to pull the gun from Steve's pocket but Ted stops her because they cannot put here the fingerprints. With the help of the pencil Ted's pulling the gun from Steve's pocket and drops it close to his hand.
Christy awes that Ted is doing this for her and thanks him. And then she adds that it's she who got Ted in the mess of this. And now it will be so hard for him. He never lies! Ted says that she should not be worry about him. They should be worry about her. Christy and Ted are running over their version of Steve's death for the police. How Steve was holding the gun on Christy intending to rape and kill her and then he was going to pretend like he caught Ted in the act, and then shot him too. Then he heard Ted come in so he turned toshoot him but he never thought that Christy shoot him.
Christy complains that it's like being with Steve again. Like he used to coach her before she had to take the stand to testify against Ted. Ted outraged. Christy immediately apologizes and continues. Steve turned to Ted to shoot him and races forward, he said "Right on time, Capwell" and that's why Christy pulled the trigger. And in a minute later he just died. He did moan first and then he died. Ted reminds her to remember that Steve said "Right on time, Capwell". Not "Ted" - "Capwell". It is very important. He also starts to freak out: he does not know how he's going to lie to his family and Laken. They always trusted him. They heard the police sirens on the street. Christy and Ted frantically sorted out if they covered it as much as they can. Suddenly Tedjumped up with the question Steve was the right-handed or left-handed. Christy hardly manages to recalls that he was the right-handed, and Ted moves the gun in the right place to the position of Steve's body.
Policemens burst into the house and point guns at Ted and Christy who immediately raising their hands up. One of the policemen checks up Steve's body and says that he's dead.
Christy says that she killed him. He's her stepbrother and she shot him. Ted gives their names and the policeman remembers the recent trial. Ted tells their story how Steve was the actually rapist and he had the gun. The policeman asks his colleague to bring forensics using the radio head of the police car.
At this point Cruz and Mary come in. Mary rushes to Christy but then she sees Steve's body and gasps. Cruz asks what was happened here. Christy says that she didn't mean to hurt Steve. But he was going to shoot Ted if she hadn't done first...Ted confirms that if Christy did not so he would not be here.
Cruz stops asking and wants to take Christy and Ted to Santa Barbara but the local policeman does not want to let them to leave insisting that the house is under their jurisdiction. Cruz has to agree with it.
Christy worries how she explains all to her mother. Mary promises that she will explain it all to Theda. The policeman takes Christy away to the police station for questioning and Mary's stays to wait for Theda's arrival.
Cruz immediately turns to Ted and trying to understand what's happened tonight. He asks if Ted clearly saw all of this. He also adds that Steve was shot in the back and Christy had the very good reason to kill him. Ted says that she had no choice, it was self-defense.
Theda run in the house and sees the covered corpse. Mary explains to her that Christy shot and killed the man who raped her. But it was self-defense, and the police understand it.
Theda thinks that Christy killed Ted but Mary says it was not him. Ted was not the rapist. Ted does not believe her and then reluctantly goes to the corpse. She lifts the cover and shocked to see the face of Steve.
Ted and Cruz on the way to the hospital. Cruz calls to Eden who is still visiting in the hospital and gives Ted to speak to his sister by the speaker phone. Ted learns that his father is in serious condition in the intensive care of the cardiac unit. He is stunned.

The Beginning:1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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