The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall
The Beginning

Part 28
Eden and Cruz are going to the Orient Express for Ted's party. Eden calls her father to leave but CC says that she go ahead so he still got some business here.
CC turns to Lindsay and asks to repeat what he just said. Lindsay begins to express his gratitude but CC was distracted again: Ted and Laken also are ready to go for the party. CC accompanies them to the door where Eden and Cruz are still staying. Ted offers to take one car for all of them but Cruz think would be better if they took separate cars. He and Eden just might want to leave earlier. Eden supports him and Ted suddenly realizes that separate cars are the better way.
Lindsay is not sure that now is the right time to talk to CC. Mason argues that just a perfect time. Lindsay recalls Channing's words that if there is one thing in the world that his father hated it was homosexuality. Mason says that it was a long time ago and CC learned to accept a lot of things that he used to be against. Yes, it was not happy revelation for him but now he believes Channing was a great man, and Channing's sexual persuasion is in a change that in his eyes. Now CC's deepest regret is that he was never able to help Channing come to terms with in. And he is grateful to Lindsay for the love and support he showed Channing. That's why Mason calls this meeting: CC felt that he should get to know the man that his son loved. Mason adds that he has some business with CC to sort a wrap-up and offers Lindsay make himself comfortable in the study. Lindsay agrees and leaves.
CC accompanies Ted and Laken to the door. Mason calls Warren and asks him urgently send Malone to Capwell's house. Mason hangs up and says with satisfaction that between Malone and Lindsay CC won't know what hit on.

* * *

Steve feels up Christy and says that she promised that she'll do anything he asks to. Suddenly Mary comes in. She sees faces of Christy and Steve and suggests that they'd fighting again.
Steve says that they were just going over Christy's testimony and what happened on the trial. She's not too happy about it. Mary says Christy that she did the right thing. She has no reason to feel anything except the proud of herself. Steve wants to talk Christy alone. Mary says that she didn't mean to interrupt them and finally recalls that she just came by request of Theda who wants to know if they'll be ready for dinner at six. Christy says she is not real hungry. Mary shrugs and walks away.
Steve closes the door and again approaches to Christy. He says that she looks scared. Christy replies that she cannot help. Just look what he did to her at last time. Steve says that he already apologized to her. He just lost his temper. Steve reminds her that if she corporate up him he do anything in the world for her. If she only returning again to him. But if she's not... He makes Christy to sits down on the sofa and trying to kiss but at the point they heard the knock at the door. It's Theda. Steve reluctantly let her in.
Theda does not like that they refused to go to eat. Then she said that she just has been going over in her mind how Christy changed her testimony so sudden. And Theda want to know if Christy did that because Capwells somehow got in and made Christy change her testimony? They scare her or like something? Theda thinks to go straight to the whole Capwell family and just have it out with them. Christy flatly denies it and says if Ted said anything like that he'd be in prison for sure. No one threatened her with anything. She was just confused like she said. But Theda already does not believe her and wants to go at Capwells. She wants to see them. Christy and Steve chorus persuade her not doing it.

* * *

CC sees Mason in the atrium and wondered what he was doing there. Mason offer CC have a seat (he refuses) and calls Malone. Malone appears, naming himself and explains that he's once worked on Capwell's rig.
Mason points out that it's the same rig that cost Ben Gillis of using his arms and legs and about everything else. Malone throws the suitcase on the table and opens it. He says that the money belongs to CC because his man had the delivery to be a few years back. Now Malone wants to return it. Mason translates: its means that Malone's ready to talk to a judge, police or press. Whoever takes. CC laughs at Mason and denies everything. Malone says that the explosion was responsibility CC's company. There were safety violations; everyone knew about but willfully ignored. And then they'd gagged by money. But sooner or later someone would tell the truth.
CC ironically said that no judge or anyone else is going to believe this hoodlum over him. In response Malone takes off his black glove and shows his crippled hand as the physical proof. He offers CC looks closer because he sees it every day. He yells CC to take his smelly money and leaves.
Mason says CC that Malone's going back to the hotel room. And if within an hour he hasn't heard from Mason about the settlement for Ben Gilles and the other injured people he's going to the press. CC says he didn't authorize this bribe. Mason agrees but has no doubt it was one of his overzealous employees, one of those ambitious young vice presidents whose CC surrounds himself so his hands stays clean. But CC still is at the top so he is responsible. CC offers to get to the real point of all this. How much do they want? Mason says that money is not the issue here. All these people want is justice and the insurance it's something like it will never happen again. CC wants specifics. Mason lists: a full disclosure plus the settlement plus a public apology. He's already drawing up a little agreement. CC reads and laughs. They want $10 million! Mason smiling: overwise they'll shut down entire his offshore operation. Mason think its fair trade, do you, dad?
Mason and Warren are waiting what CC decides. He finally accept it but without the check for Mason. He's going to make it out for Maggie Gillis and deduct Mason's fee from it. CC doesn't want Mason to make a profit from this transaction in any way. Mason tries to insist but CC stands as stone and want to have Mrs. Gillis's sign on the release stating that there will be no further litigation in this matter. And that's not negotiable. Mason forcedly agrees. He tells his father to make the check out to Maggie Gillis but for the full amount. He waves away his fee. CC signs and Mason anticipates his revenge.

* * *

Christy tells Steve that he would go after Theda and stop her until she'd done things. Steve did not care about Theda. He goes into the bedroom to make a call.
Using his absence Christy steals money from his wallet and runs away. A few minutes after Mary come to the apartment and find the open door. She puzzled comes in and hears ambiguous Steve's words from the bedroom. Steve comes out but instead Christy he sees surprised Mary.
Steve asks how long Mary has been staying there. Mary says that she just walked in - the door was open - and asks if was Christy who Steve talking to. He accepts it but explains that he just told Christy to lie down and rest for a while and wanted to make sure she was doing it. Mary asks where Christy is and Steve realizes that Christy is not in his apartment. He's getting upset and suggests that Christy may go back to their place. Mary says that she just came from there and Christy is not there. And in fact she came here because she's looking for her mother. Steve explains that Theda really came in here, ranting and raving about going over to the Capwells and making a big scene. He told her to go back to their apartment and forget about it. He assumed that's what she did.
Mary worries about her mother and Christy. Steve says that Christy wanted to spend the rest of the evening here. She didn't say anything about going out. Mary worries even more. Steve offers her search them apart: Mary would look for Theda and he see if he can find Christy. Mary did not know where she can look for her mother. Steve pushes her out of the apartment offering to check the bars. Mary indignantly says that's mean. Theda hasn't gone back to that. She leaves.
Steve closes the door and suddenly sees his wallet. He grabs it, finding it's empty and throwing on the floor.

* * *

The phone calls in the Lockridge's house. Laken picks up. It's Christy, she want to talk to Ted.
Laken do not like it, she is trying to see what Christy wants but Christy just says that it is very important. Laken finally gives the phone to Ted. Christy apologizes for bothering Ted but she really needed to talk him. Ted asks where she is, he hearing the traffic in the background.
Christy wanders and tells Ted that her mother is on the warpath because of the outcome of the trial. Suddenly Christy sees something and runs away, leaving the receiver be loose in the phone booth. Ted cannot understand why the call is over.

* * *

CC firmly says Mason that he has no interest in talking to Lindsay. Mason offers at least to listening to him. CC can not talk right now. He needs to lie down and rest for a minute. Mason says that Lindsay will wait for him. A chance to talk to CC means a lot to him. CC reluctantly agrees and leaves. Mason takes the photo of Lindsay and Channing together out of his case, and at the point the doorbell rings.
Mason goes to answer and see Mary. He surprised by her unexpected visit and lets her in. Mary says she is looking for her mother. Mason informs her that he already was warned: Theda's unarmed and dangerous.
Mary wonders how he knew. Mason says that it seems that Christy called Ted and Ted called him to warn though Mason's not sure about what. Mary clings the message about Christy's call and says she is looking her sister too. Mason says that her family seems to be scattering in all directions. Seeing Mary's face he's sorry. That's not something he should tease about.
But Mary even agrees. Why not? They're all just drifting apart. Mason says that they're not the only one. Same thing happened to his family over the past year. Mary said she thought that trouble was supposed to unify people, not tear them apart. Mason says that it depends on the people.
Mary thanks him and apologizes for bothering him. She still should find her mother. Mason looks at her and says that it's no bother.
Mary's pausing in front of the door and suddenly Mason invites her to meet him for a drink later. May be at the Orient Express. But she has to promise not to overdo.
Mary smiles but says it's not a good idea. She's pretty ashamed of some of the things that she said about Ted and about most of the things she did.
Mason replies that there nothing to be ashamed of. But he do think she owe him a little time for some of the remarks she made about him. Plus he'd like to... see her later. Mary asks him to leave it open. She really needs to find her family and she doesn't know how long it's going to take.

* * *

Ted and Laken appear in the Orient Express. The party is in full swing. Ted worries about Christy after her interrupted call but Laken convinces him to dance with her.
Theda comes at the entrance of the restaurant. She tries to go in but maitre d' stops her telling that the restaurant is closed this evening for a private party. Theda begins to scandal. Sophia is trying to prevent the scandal and allows letting Theda in.
Theda wants to see Ted. Sophia explains that now it's not a good time. He is celebrating tonight, and she doesn't want to do anything to spoil his evening. She expresses Theda her sympathy for what happened to Christy. Ted becomes upset, blaming Capwell that they intimidated Christy, insists that the rapist is Ted and rich people believe that the rest ought all just lay down on the floor so they can walk all over them. Sophia replies that it was her daughter who lied on the witness stand about her son, and almost ruined his life. Theda answers that Christy did not lie. She grabs Sophia by arms and shouts that Sophia is a liar! She and her whole family!

* * *

At Capwell's Lindsay looks at Mason's photo of him and Channing together and remembers how really handsome was Channing. Mason notes that his brother looks happy in that picture so they must let CC see how well suited they two were.
Noticing coming CC Mason quickly takes the picture away. After an exchange of courtesies Lindsay expresses his gratitude that CC agreed to talk him about Channing. CC glad to hear anything Lindsay may say about his son. Mason offers to fix a drink. CC refuses and Mason makes drinks for himself and Lindsay. While he is doing CC thoughtfully says he does not remember Channing ever speaking about Lindsay.

* * *

In the Orient Express Sophia tries to take off from Theda. At the point Mary comes in the restaurant. She sees the situation, terrified runs to her mother and trying to unhook her from Sophia. On the other side Ted and Laken run to them.
Theda waving her hands and cannot stay on her feet. She falls on the floor and hurt her ankle. Ted helps her up and she reluctantly accepts his help. Mary thanks Ted and asks him to take her mother to the car. Ted takes Theda away and Mary apologizes to Sophia for the behavior of her mother. Sophia accepts the apology and assured Mary that it's all right.
Mary goes to the exit and faces Laken. Laken says no apologies will just make up for what her family's done to the Capwells. Mary accepts it. She understands why Laken so upset but she don't know what else she can do. Laken says that she must stay away from Ted, her entire family. At this point Ted comes back. Mary apologizes to both of them for all the awful things that she had done and said to him including calling the police on Ted. Ted says that's all right. Mary hopes that he understands why she believed Christy rather than him.
Ted surely do and says that he would've done the same thing if he was in her place. But he'd like to think that he would've at least tried to listen and tried to be fair. Mary says that he is right. She did not even give him a chance, it was not fair. She was blinded by her anger. She apologizes again and leaves.

* * *

At Capwell's CC and Lindsey continues to talk by the presence of Mason.
Lindsay tells how he and Channing first met and became friends. Then he says about deepening their relationships. It started with an admiration and went into a kind of hero worship. Channing helped him so much with himself confidence and self reliance and then started to confide in him about things he said he could not tell anybody else. CC want to know what kind of these things were and Lindsay says that it was love and respect for his father.
CC happy to hear it, and then says to Mason that he must to listening too because it to contradict all the things Mason said against his brother. Lindsay knew and admired Channing much more than Mason ever did. Mason replies that Lindsay and Channing's relationships were on a different basis then Channing and Mason's. And pushes Lindsay to tell CC the rest of everything.
"What else is there?" CC asks in amazement

* * *

Steve furiously goes back to his apartment. How Christy even dare to run away? She did cheat him and pay for it. Steve pulls out the gun and leaves out.

* * *

At Capwell's Lindsay makes the surprised and not too good-looking confession. He says that he and Peter Flint were both in one blackmailing scheme together. Now he's genuinely shamed about.
CC is not happy about of course and asks how it could be. How could he blackmail someone that he admired that like so much? Lindsay says that he did not go in so doing until Channing and he's relationship was broken up. CC does not understand what Lindsay was holding over Channing. It's Santana and his child? But Lindsay says that he just heard about Santana. She was at his life, it's all. CC still does not understand what were he blackmailing Channing. Certainly Channing was not involved in anything illegal.
Lindsay tries to explain that Channing was terrified that CC can find out everything. Peter got hold of the information in thought it was an easy way to make a lot of money. And Lindsay was angry at Channing for breaking their relations and therefore agreed to participate. Mason pushes him to a more direct confession. CC admits he does not understand what it was about, and Lindsay finally realizes that he knows nothing.
He flies into a rage and shouted Mason that he told him that the CC knows everything and had forgiven them both! Lindsay grabs Mason's jacket and yells that he's not going to be a pawn in Mason's game any longer! Mason must tell himself if he wants! Then he flings off to CC that Mason made fools of us both and rushes out.
CC turns to Mason and angrily demands to know what's going on here. What did Mason tried to trick Lindsay into telling him. CC wants the full explanation. And he doesn't like what he has been hearing.
Mason says that CC going to like it even less now since he's going to be the one to have to tell but he don't mind. He asks his father to sit down and hang on to something.

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