The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Page 53
Mary and Mason come to the restaurant.
After a waiter goes away Mason asks whether a pregnancy test can identify sex of the child.
When Mary answers it cannot, he begins dreaming about his future son and wondering whom he will look like. Mary removes her eyes but when Mason asks what is wrong she answers that she is just a little confused. Mason asks her not to be afraid of anything and promises that everything will be all right.
A waiter brings Mary a telephone, Mark calls her. Mason goes to speak to Julia and Augusta and then with Eden who are also at the restaurant. When he returns to Mary, she says that Mark asked where he should transfer money from their joint account. Having heard that Mark does not persuade her to return to him, Mason is glad that he finally realized it is useless. And says that fortunately Mark does not know about a baby. Speaking about Mark, Mason says Mark spent a lot of time trying to consummate the marriage, and was unable to, and he finally was (Mary is thinking about the rape) Mary was already in love with Mason.
He confesses that he feels sympathy with Mark, as he became mushy because of his future fatherhood. And asks Mary to forgive him. Mary smiles and says she will.
Mason and Mary return to the courtroom. Mary is waiting for Mason to finish his paperwork.
When he returns he immediately holds her and puts his hand on her stomach.
He says with passion he wants to be a good father. Mary assures him he will.
Mason kneels and presses his ear to her stomach. Dazed, he says he loves a person they do not know yet. His love is blind.

The Beginning: 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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