The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall - Page 3

The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Page 3
Mason, Mary and Gina are returning to Capwell's house. Mason says he is not ready to see the family yet but Gina is full of enthusiasm. She is looking forward to get a nice quiet room just for two of them and discuss the news.
At this point Christy appears. She's looking for Ted. Gina says that Ted is not here but Mary asks her sister come inside and talk.
Mason stops Mary and thanks her for the conversation and a harmony. Mary wishes him good night and goes into the house after Christy.
Mason and Gina are still outside. Gina hugs Mason and kisses him; Mason does not answer her but particularly shows no protests. Gina says that now they don't have to worry so much about what other people think because things have changed. Mason's back in CC's will. So she is. Mason could not believe his ears. Gina triumphs.
Mary learns from Christy true details about Steve's death. She says that she had the feeling about this she never dreamed something like it. Turning face away Christy says she was so scared and did not know what to do. She's begging Mary not hate her for this. Mary hugs her replying that she never could hate Christy especially after what she has been through.
Christy says that she knows that she was wrong but how she can talk about what really happened now? Who would believe her? The table bump on her and the gun went off accidentally. Moreover, it is clear to everyone that how much she hated Steve. Christy asks if Mary would believe that it was an accident. Mary replies that she does not know. Christy says that according to Ted the claim of the self-defense was the only way out. Mary realizes that Ted was lying with Christy too. Christy says that she did not make Ted do what. He just wanted to help her. And now he's just deep as she is. Mary promises that they will find a way out. Christy thinks that nobody will believe her now and fears that she's go to jail for 20 years. Mary promises that this is not going to happen, and make her sister sit down on the sofa.
Christy's scared. She can not sleep, can not eat. She afraid to tell the truth but even more she afraid to keep lying and then break down. Mary says that maybe it's time to go for the truth no matter how frightening as its usual, to make the past away.
Christy thought that Mary would say so. Mary replies that she's not telling her what to do. It's Christy's decision to make. Christy says that seems she already has decided. She's going to go to the police and tell them how it happened. Mary says that it's courageous act and it will work in her favor. She reminds Christy that she's loves her very much. Christy hopes that Mary's right. Mary hugs her and says that this is going to work for her. Christy agrees but she needs to tell Ted about her decision. She afraid that it might be too late. Christy hugs Mary and leaves out.

* * *

Ted still is trying to find Laken. He confronts Augusta who states that even if Ted find Laken he's not going to go anywhere near her. Ted accepts that he made mistakes but he says that no one could ever love Laken as much as he'd.
Mason and Gina go in the atrium. Mason asks if the divorce papers are the only ones that were found and they weren't signed. Gina confirms that she's still Mrs. Capwell, and that's the way it's going to stay. Mason asks what if CC did sign the will and the others documents. Gina answers that it doesn't matter. They are missing. It's gone.
Surprised Mason says that's unbelievable. That means that the old will - the one that includes him - is the only document that's legal if and when CC dies. And he's back in the corporation. This is too perfect. Gina says that they are very lucky, and Mason immediately replies that Gina seem to have been the last one to see the papers before they disappeared. She wouldn't have anything to do with the thin air that they vanished into? Gina tells that Jack Lee and Eden searched the whole house including her room and found nothing. She's not a magician. Mason finally begins to smile but then he says that it's not for long time. Unless and until CC regains consciousness and puts pen to paper again. Gina doubt that the CC ever will come to life. Mason's face hardens but he does not want to believe that there is no hope for his father. Gina says that CC is very fragile and explains how today he almost died when the big storm caused a power failure. Mason sarcastically suggests that she must've been jumping for joy. And adds that he never thought he'd be handed the keys to this kingdom again. This is some kind of a dream. Gina says that Mason can control it all now. His only problem is Eden. And then he can be just where he belongs.
Mason still can't shake the notion that this is some kind of a dream. Gina says it's not a dream. He has the keys to the kingdom. And she can be his queen. How CC controlled and manipulated her life and Brandon's! But now they can do whatever they please.
Gina escorts Mason to the door and tries to hug him. Mason put it mildly that he's very tired and like to sleep alone tonight. He just needs some time alone to recuperate. Gina's unhappy but accepts it. Mason wants to go to head over to his apartment. Gina tries to persuade he to stay in the Capwell's house, reminding that most of his things are here and he'll move back anyway, but Mason holds his' own. They say goodbye and Mason leaves out.
Mary comes closer to Gina who's standing at the door. Gina says that Mason's back in town to stay. Mary thrilled. Gina fantasizes about herself and Mason.
Her fantasy takes place in Capwell's house. Mason states to Ted and Kelly that it's time this family learned the meaning of respect. Some people in this house have not been treating Gina with the respect she deserves. Kelly and Ted feel sorry but Mason adds that Gina is not only wonderful. She has more dignity than anyone they'll ever know. Dignity, and class, and beauty. Gina approaches to them and generously gives her forgive to Kelly and Ted. Then Gina says that she and Mason would like to be alone, and younger Capwells disappear. Mason hugs Gina and admires her beauty. He says that CC's such a fool. He never saw the real Gina. But Mason does. Mason turns Gina like in tango dance and kisses her.
Standing back Mary also fantasizes about Mason. Her fantasy takes place in gazebo. Mason slowly approaches her from behind and hugs her. He says that she's so lovely and he'd wanted her for so long. Mary has wanted him too. Mason sees that she's trembling and Mary feels sorry. Mason says her do not need to be afraid - they have all the time in the world. Mason kisses her neck and Mary turned to face him. She confesses her love for him and Mason's doing the same. He wants to show her just how much he loves her. And how exciting she is. They kiss.
Mary stands next to Gina and they both look after Mason.

* * *

At Lockridge's Ted still tries to reach Laken by calling off her friends when the doorbell rings. Ted opens and sees Christy. He let her in and explains that he's trying to find Laken. Christy guilty suggests that Laken leave because of their secrets. Ted confirms this. Christy says that she made a big decision and spent all day working up the courage to tell Ted. He wonders what kind of it is. Because there's something he wants to tell her too.
Mason Capwell returns to Capwell's house having the suitcase in his hand. He says loudly to himself that Gina's right. This is his home. This is where he belongs. And it's time take the reins. He's going to start this very minute. Force Eden out if he has to. He'll make Capwell Enterprises better and bigger than it was before. All he need is a good night sleep in his own bed.
After leaving the suitcase near the front door Mason goes upstairs. Occupying old Mason's room Mary is going to sleep, climbs under the covers.

* * *

Christy hopes that it's not too late to finish what they started. Ted admits that now he's not so sure he was right about that.
Christy's eyes flashes with hope and Ted slowly realizes that she may be want to tell the truth about Steve's death. Christy says that she just can't stand lying anymore. She's sick of it. She spend half live of lying and don't want to do it anymore. Ted gets excited and hugs Christy. Of course, they will tell the truth! He was just going to offer it to her! Christy happily embraces him.
Mason goes in his old room in the darkness and walks straight to the bathroom. Coming out in his pajamas he goes to bed being unaware that Mary's sleeping on the other side of the bed. When she sleepy turns on him semi-asleep Mason thinks it's Gina and says her "not tonight."

* * *

The replay of the previous scene but with the continuation: when Mary puts her hand over Mason and he says "not tonight" thinking that it's Gina, Mary wakes up by the sound of his voice. She sees sleeping Mason right beside her and indignantly takes her hand away.
Sleeping Mason turns to hug Mary and puts his hand over her body. Mary helplessly calling his name, trying to wake up, but to no avail. She gently takes his hand away, then momentarily stops and kisses the back of his palm.
Gina finds Mason's case at the front door and concludes that probably Mason's gone to his old room. She goes upstairs and after knocking immediately comes in. Mary's hiding under the blanket in panic.
Gina sits down on the edge of the bed and tries to wake Mason up. He does not, and Gina reaches to turn on the lamp on the nightstand.
Mary realizes that she'll be compromised right now and pretending that she just woken up. She's "frightened" by seeing Gina and then Mason next to her, and plays being shocked.
Gina quickly realizes that Mason just got into bed and didn't even realize Mary was here. She explains the whole situation to Mary. Mary gets out of bed, putting on her dressing gown and demands that Gina pull Mason out of her bed. Gina agrees and shakes Mason so intensely that he finally wakes up.
Mason tries to rub his eyes. He sees Gina and Mary side by side and guesses that it's a dream. "The two of you?" He wonders. Finally Mason's just wide awake and looks at Gina (not too surprised by her presence), and then at Mary who oddly enough is real also.
Mason can not understand how it can be happened, and Gina explains: while he's away, they gave Mary his room. Mason apologizes to Mary. She does not want to occupy his bedroom and wants to sleep somewhere else, but Gina insists that she had to stay here. This room's closest one to CC's.
Mason decides to do the gentlemanly thing and gives up the bed for Mary. He apologizes once again and asks not to tell anyone about what happened. Then he turns to Gina and wonders how Gina ended up in his room. Gina says that she wanted to talk to him about the family business. There's an important meeting for Capwell Enterprises tomorrow morning and they have to discuss strategy. It's very important they know exactly what they going to do.
Leaving his old room Mason tries to find another sleeping place, but discovers that all the other rooms are locked. Along the way he looks in CC's room and decides to talk to his comatose father. Mason tells him that he'd come home to stay. He's going to take over Capwell Enterprises and maybe even run it better than CC did. While he'd got the chance he wants to make sure that when CC come out of this he's not going to be able to get him out of the company again. Capwell Enterprises and Mason are going to become one. Synonymous and inseparable. Mason's ambitions are much higher much, nobler. He want to show the old man that he can do things better than CC can. He'll just rest. "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown." Mason's going to take that burden from him.
Meanwhile, Gina once again apologizes to Mary for the whole awkward situation and leaves after giving her advice to lock the door. Mary does. Alone in the room, she's comes to the mirror. She lets her robe slip down onto the floor and gathers her hair up, looking at her reflection as if trying on a new hairstyle.
Mason goes out of CC's room and suddenly faces with Eden. She is outraged by his presence here and goes after him when Mason's going downstairs to the atrium. They argue over whether Mason can live in this house if the father did throw him out. Gina's appearance does not alleviate the situation, Eden becomes just angrier. Cruz comes in - he wants to take Eden home, but she can not leave because Mason. Mason informs that he's going to sleep in the fountain. Eden requires him to leave the house tomorrow. Cruz eventually leads her away and Mason arranges to sleep on the designated place.
Gina sits down on the edge of the fountain and hinted that it would be nice to have sex here. Mason refuses, blaming a terrible headache. Gina says that he gave her strength and hope. And she loves him.
Already closed his eye, Mason raises his head in shock. He does not believe her. Gina tries to convince him to go to sleep in another place — in her room or on the sofa but Mason is adamant: he always wanted to sleep in this fountain and now he's going to do it. CC wouldn't let him when he was a kid. Gina tries to talk to him about the meeting tomorrow and Mason reluctantly agrees. But seeing Mary's going downstairs, he sends Gina away to get couple of aspirin for him.
Mason stops Mary at the stairs and apologizes to her once again. At the same time he's trying to figure out if he missed out on something just because he was too drunk to remember... Mary assures him that he can relax. Nothing at all happened.
They say goodbye each to other and Mary flees to the second floor. At the top of the stairs she looks back and smiles down to Mason. He raises his hand to wave at her and sees a trace of lipstick on the back of his own palm. He finds the red marker in the chest and circles the trace of the kiss with it. He wants to be sure what it's not a dream in the morning.

The Beginning: 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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