The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Page 16
The Christmas comes. Mason turns over and over in his bed. He has a very strange dream, like a variation of "A Christmas Carol" by Dickens.
The clock strikes 12 p. m...
In front of him Mason sees Ted dressed as The Spirit of The Christmas.
Ted-Spirit suggests Mason to follow him because he wants to show Mason something. They find themselves at the Capwell's mansion window in the past in Mason's childhood.
Ted-Spirit shows Mason the scene from the past, when Mason was undeservingly punished (little Channing knocked the Christmas tree down by chance but it was Mason who was accused of it). Then Ted goes away, leaving Mason alone.
The clock tells 1 a. m...
The Spirit #2 visits Mason - his stepmother Sophia as The Spirit of The Christmas Present.
Sophia-Ghost ask Mason go together her too.
Also Sophia-Spirit invites Mason to follow her. She brings Mason to the window inside of which the Capwells are talking about how they are happy without Mason...
And Mary kisses Mark and says she hates Mason because he has not given anything as a contribution for the clinic...
And finally, the last spirit of Mason's Christmas nightmare - The Spirit of the Christmas to income.
This spirit shows somebody's life's last minutes.
After the funeral the Capwells and Mary and Mark do not feel sorrow for the person they have buried.
At the end it shows the tombstone and, having read the inscription on it, he realizes in horror that it is he, Mason Capwell, who died.

The Beginning: 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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