The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Page 34
Then Madeleine, a cousin of Mason and other CC's children, is murdered. Her husband, David Laurent is charged of this crime and Mason is busy with the accusation preparing.

Late in the evening, Mason and Mary see each other at the Capwell's house. Mary says to Mason she is on duty today. Mason is surprised, because Eden takes care of Kirk (Madeleine's heart has just been transplanted to him). Mary says it is a sort of a sentry duty and asks him why he is at the Capwell's so late. Mason answers he works at David Laurent's case and asks Mary why her husband lets her work late in the evening. Mary answers nothing.

When she stays alone she takes the wedding ring off her finger and dreams about her and Mason's engagement.
Mason approaches her from behind and asks what is going on. Mary answers that she has a difficult period of the adaptation to the marriage.
Mason says that if she and Mark love each other their marriage won't fail, and asks her: "Do you love each other?" Mary does not answer. During Mason's insistent inquiries CC approaches them and reminds Mason that he does not live at the Capwell's mansion.
Mason answers he is busy with Laurent's case and CC suggests him to take his books with him. Mason says it is just what he is going to do. But before he leaves he says to Mary she knows where she can find him. "Telling the truth does not have to be a betrayal, sometimes it can be a salvation".
Mary does not know what she should do and at the end asks Sister Isabel for advice. She says she is thinking about the divorce but Mark does not still know about it. Sister Isabel says that from the church's point of view, a marriage without children is not a marriage, and asks what Mary feels. The latter answers she is making herself love Mark and says it must be wrong.
After Sister Isabel's departure Mary calls Mark and asks him to see her at "Buzz's". Mark arrives very cheerful and, not allowing Mary to speak about serious questions, tells her that he has seen in the study of the doctor they know his children's pictures, and all the children turned out to be adopted. Mary says it is very serious decision and she has to thing over it.

The Beginning: 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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