The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall
The Beginning

Part 30
In the apartment Mary accidentally notices Steve's gun on the sofa. She picks the gun up but at the point Mason appears and calling her name. Mary turns around and unwittingly points the gun at Mason.
Mason raises his hands and asks her do not to shoot. Mary sheepishly says she just straightening up. She suggests that Mason came to see Steve and says that Steve is in a shower now.
Mason says that actually he came to see Mary, not Steve. Her mother told him that he'd find her here. He came because he wanted to tell her that he meant what he said last night. About being willing to a finding Christie. They can start right now if she likes.
At this point Steve comes out from the bathroom and angrily says that they want help. But they'll ask a friend. Not some mega rich shyster who's trying eases his conscience. They don't need Capwell's charity.
Mason leaves. Mary closes the door and outraged that Steve so rudely treated Mason's offer. Said no thanks and just rushed to insult. Steve franticly shouts that she do not tell him what to do. He almost hits Mary.
Mary froze and shocked. Then she says that he's about to hit her. Like he did before a long time ago. Steve apologizes. He just lost his head and had no intention to hurting her. But Mary says that he did once. And she remembers how scared she was after that. Steve says that nothing happened just now. Just for a moment he wasn't thinking for a second. It's been a rough few days. Don't like losing. Mary says that during the trial she felt like Steve were angry with Christie for not trying hard enough, for making mistakes. But Christy was doing the best that she could and Steve were making her feel like she'd let he down somehow. Steve reluctantly promises to hold back. Mary says that Christy is so nervous around Steve. If Steve ever hit Christy because all his pressure and the frustration? Steve replies that he's not going to dignify that with an answer.
There is a knock at the door. It's Ted and Laken. Ted reports that Christy did call him. First he thought that she was at the train station but then he decides against because he didn't hear the noises like people's voices. Mary realizes that Christy is at their house in Ventura because there's a train track where in every night as 6:30 the train would go by. Ted says that Christy called just at this time and Laken confirms it.
Mary goes to the phone and start dialing. She did not think that the phone still works. It had been disconnected. At the end there is no answer. They discuss whether or not there is Christy. Ted wants to go to Ventura but Steve says he'll better ask his friends policemen to look around there. He pretends to be calling Ventura's police and asking two-run post to go by and check to see for anyone around their place.
Ted and Laken go away. Steve continues to call in Ventura hoping that Christy still pick up the phone. But Christy just sitting and staring at the ringing phone.
Later Ted and Laken come to Steve's apartment again to see if there was any news. At this time Steve get the call of his boss.
Steve was reported to being discarded but he pretends that it's the call from Ventura's police and says Ted and Laken that his friends sure no one's been in the past few days so the assumption that Christy was there is incorrect.
Christy horrified looks at the phone and praying that it was not Steve.

Gina is very happy to inform Mason that Channing was not the son of CC but was the son of Lionel. Mason thinks that she is crazy or is trying to slow down her divorce to CC. But Gina insists that it's true. She'll not repeat something like this but she was absolutely 100% percent sure it was true. Now Sophia kept the secret for years but a few weeks ago someone finally found the truth.

Mason slowly realizes that if Channing was Lionel's son so he's no relation to Mason whatsoever.
But he still can not believe to the incredible luck. Gina blurts out that she learned it from Augusta. Mason still does not completely believe and wants to talk privately with Augusta. He wants to hear it in her words.
However he's feeling more and more that it is true and says Gina that if this information proves accurate it's going to be invaluable to them both. So they are be very careful about where and when use it. He asks her don't let anything slip. This is a big tonight. This is like rain after a thirty year dropped and they don't want to waste drop-off. Gina agrees to temporarily shut up.

Ted comes into Duvall's house in Ventura. The door was not locked. Ted checks the phone and then sees Christy's belongings among his own picture. He calls Laken and says that there is no doubt that Christy was at home: her stuff here, the door's unlocked.

Laken worries about him. She promises to keep trying to contact Cruz and Steve. She hopes that was not too late to call police and others. Ted says that he's going to wait for Christy and he'll see Laken when they get back.

In Steve's apartment Mary picks up the gun again and remembers how Steve did hit her.

In her memoirs Steve accuses Mary that she deserting them. Deserting her own mother. Mary replies that Theda doesn't even see her. All she sees is the bottom of the bottle.
Steve says that Theda still needs her. Mary can spend the rest of her life on her knees praying, and singing hymns, and pretending herself holy, but the truth is she is walking out on all people who need her. She do this speaking about loving God, she don't even love her own family. Mary retorts that he calls this a family?! The way his father's been.
Steve slaps her face. Horrified Mary presses her palms to the face, and Steve tries to say sorry.

Mason comes to Capwell's house. Sophia let him in and says that CC is in there with Warren Lockridge. She doesn't know what they're talking about but it sounds ready heated.

In fact Warren's trying to threaten CC to give publicity the rig case but CC sure that he can wear all of them on the courts. Warren goes away as CC do also. Mason sees Gina who smiling.
Gina admits that she hinted around a little bit but didn't mention any names. Mason thinks that Sophia may have gotten the hint. Just now she was absolutely green.

CC tells Mason that he's taking the necessary steps to respond to Mason's attempt to blackmail. In the court.

Mason drops the ironic remark about Jack Lee and his legal skills. CC outraged: Mason should show a little more respect for Jack. He might learn a little bit from a real lawyer. Mason allowed himself to be used. He never had the ability to contact people and make the right kind of contacts. More and more time and time again he ignore the people that could help him. He's lean himself with losers.
Mason offers CC to see how much he has true friends. He hints that there is more dirty laundry CC do not want aired in public. CC says that Mason does not worry: he done all the damage he could possibly do.
Steve ranting and raving because of his dismissal. Mary's trying to calm him down. Steve rapidly approaches her and Mary again recalls how he once hit her.
Steve sees her face and apologizes.

Christy returns to the house and sees Ted. She asks Ted to leave but Ted is not going to obey.

He does not let her to run away and asks about who she wants to warn him. Who is out there?

Mason offers his father to sit down but CC refuses. Mason asks him so won't engage in any more theatrics. No put on quite a show last time lurching about holding his head as if in pain damage.

CC grimly demands that he tell him or get out. And Mason starts. He says that it is a story about the two people that CC loves the most. The woman that he's always worshiped in an iron curtain and her first-born son.

The Beginning:1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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