The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

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Then their paths diverged a little. Santana asks Mason to marry her (for Brandon could live with Santana) and Mason agrees. Mark is recovering at the hospital; Mary is taking care of him. Janice believes that Mason should not marry for convenience and asks Mary to talk him out of it. Mary answers her that she does not want and cannot interfere with Mason's personal life.
Coming back to the Capwell's to take the key of the guest house, Mary finds dead drunk Mason.
Mason helps her to find the key and Mary confesses she knows about his forthcoming wedding and asks whether he loves Santana or not. Mason answers that Santana was his first love but it is all in the past.
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During their talk Mason is trying to fix himself another drink and cuts his hand with the ice tweezers. Having his hand examined, Mary says that it is necessary to put stitches on the wound.
Mary takes Mason to the hospital. After a dressing was applied, Mason tries to joke but Mary is not in joky mood. Mason says he feels very tired, Mary answers that false pretences are very exhausting.
Mary explains her thought - Mason takes the marriage lightly and just pretends to be serious. She says he forgets that black-letter days follow the wedding. Her words sound joyless and Mason asks her if she speaks about her own marriage experience. Mary asks him about the real reason of his future marriage to Santana. Mason answers that he is tired of looking for his intended and wants to help Santana. He says that often there is no love at the beginning of a marriage and asks her if she loves Mark now. She answers she does. Mason asks her to explain what love means for her. Mary speaks about spiritual and physical union of two people. Mason says ambiguously that in this case he has a chance. Mary says she is going to take him home.
Mason and Santana's wedding day comes. However, at the beginning Santana makes Mason and others be waiting for her till the last moment and then arrives to inform that Cruz is ready to marry her and she is going to marry him. Mason has nothing to do but give her the green light.

Upset by the unpleasant situation, Mason delivers a speech to the guests that everyone should get married for love only and informs everybody that he decided not to marry Santana and drinks to his real love.

Later Mason tells his siblings that it was Santana who abandoned him, not vice versa.

Mary and Mark, who has just leaved the hospital, appear at the wedding as the last guests.

They learn that the wedding is cancelled and Mary goes to express
Santana her sympathy but runs across Mason at a staircase.
Mason answers her questions that Santana
refused to marry him because she loves Cruz.
Mary says that she would like to apologize for she thought amiss of him at the first moment and snapped a hasty decision that he could abandon the bride at the altar. She tries to put him in good heart and Mason says her apology is accepted. Mary says she does not believe this marriage would be satisfactory and she wishes him to be happy.

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