The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall
The Beginning

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Part 7
Jade explains Laken and Ted that Steve made her talk to him, having learnt that she was in the bar at the night of Christie's rape. But she doesn't believe that Ted is a rapist. She is very upset, Ted comforts her saying that she must tell the truth.
Jade goes away, Ted and Laken stay face to face. Mason comes soon. He says that Grand Jury board is to be at 2 o'clock. Ted must go there and make a statement whether he is guilty or not.
Ted makes a statement to the Grand Jury that he is not guilty.
Christie and Mary are at home. Christie says that she feel as if she were so dirty that she wants to graze her skin.
Mary says that she will feel better in a while. Then she stands up and says furiously that she hates Ted Capwell, even though it unkind of her. She shows her hands and says that she feels Christie's blood on them still and can't wash it.
She cries again that she hates Ted. Christie looks at her and asks not to ruin her life. "My life?" Mary repeats with laughter. She adds that she has been thinking for many years that her habit will protect her from out world.
Christie says that she was a nun and helped other people. Mary answers that she has never let other people's grieves hurt her. If that happened, she just ran away, helping herself by prays, meditation and retreats. Now she can't do the same. She wants to help Christie and be with her. She promises her sister to be with her anyway.
Mary says Christie that she loves her. Christie answers that she loves her too. Then Christie looks as if she has just woken up and says that she want to tell Mary something. "Of course," Mary answers.
Christie says: "I can't tell it to anybody else".
"Tell me what the matter is", Mary says a little anxiously.
Christie begins: "It concerns the rape".
The Capwells are watching the news about Ted's case.
Ted is brushing his hair at the mirror, Mason warns him against appearing at the public. He guesses that Ted is about to go to Christie and he is strictly against it, as Ted is put on parole and he is forbidden to approach her. Ted doesn't listen to him. He wants to talk to Christie in private.
Mary asks anxiously what Christie wants to say. Is it about the rape?
"I can't," Christie answers.
Mary promises to support her and persuades her sister to open up.
Christie falls on her neck and begins crying.
This moment Steve returns to the flat.
Christie is scared of him and leaves Mary alone.
Steve asks what has happened. Mary says he has to listen to what Christie is about to say.
Steve approaches close to Christie and says that she must not go back. Christie says she liked Ted. Before what has happened she wanted him to be her boyfriend.
Mary holds her and says that it makes Ted's deed worse, as Christie trusted him. She asks Christie not to blame herself. He has nothing to be ashamed of and she is not guilty.
Christie is looking at Steve.
Mary is about to go, Christie bags her not to do it. Mary says that Steve will stay with her and promises to be back soon.
As soon as the door is shut behind Mary, Steve violently approaches Christie. He says she was about to do a stupid thing. She was going to tell Mary everything. Wasn't she? Christie denies it in horror but Steve does not believe her, and promises her big problems.
Steve is shouting at Christie and finally she admits that she wanted to tell Mary the truth. She says that they must not do this to Ted. He does not deserve a prison.
Steve threatens that he will kill Ted if she tells everything. Then, having understood that it's no use threatening, tries to make Christie feel guilty. He is about to cry, he says that the family is just got together, and Theda stopped drinking. Christie must not destroy it all. Then he barks at her that she must remember what will happen to Ted if she says the truth. "You don't mean it, you won't do this," Christie swallows tears. Steve offers testing it. "Talk to Laken, Mason and we will see," he barks at Christie again.
Christie attempts to run away but Steve holds the door. He says it's too late to go back. Everything was told to the reporter and he spoke at Mason's press conference. Christie is scared of the failure at the court. Steve promises that they will win. Christie reminds him about the truth Mason has told. Steve rushes at her and he can hardly control himself and not to beat her.
He is frightened of his fury and decides to go away and calm down. Before leaving he demand that Christie must not go anywhere.
The door is shut behind Steve but in several seconds the doorbell rings. She opens the door but it's not Steve who is at the doorstep. It's Ted.
Christie wants to shut the door but Ted rushes into the flat. Christie is crying and says she doesn't want to talk to him. Ted tries to talk to her but Steve returns to the flat and threatens Ted with the arrest. They throw him away.
Ted has to tell Mason that he was at Christie's. Mason says that Ted doesn't seem to understand that the situation is serious.
Ted objects that if he sits on his hands, people will believe Christie. He asks Mason to believe that he didn't do any harm to Christie and she knows it but for some reason she says that it was Ted who did it.
"I believe you, that's not the problem", Mason begins but the doorbell rings this moment. It is Steve, he requires Cruz, who came with him, to arrest Ted.
Cruz interrupts him, he says that it must be a mistake, and DA office didn't inform Ted that he was put on parole, and he is forbidden to approach miss Duvall. It was a mistake that Ted won't repeat again. Ted doesn't want to agree with it.
Steve promises that he will send Ted to the jail if he tries to see Christie once again. Cruz preaches Ted by repeating him Steve's words. Ted does not agree anyway and wants to say that Christie lies. Mason makes Steve go away, Cruz follows him.
Mason hopes that Ted understands that Cruz has just saved him from the jail, and it won't work next time.
Mason says they need a plan and call Mary. He asks to meet him. Mary says they have nothing to discuss. Mason says they have to clear up something and it won't take long. He makes an appointment in an hour in the La Mesa and hangs up quickly. Mary doesn't manage to answer and looks at the receiver baffled.
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Ted says skeptically that Mary won't help them, as she hates him. Mason answers that Mary is probably an only person who can make Christie tell the truth. Ted doesn't believe it.

The Beginning: 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part7 Part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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