The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Page 64
Mary and Mark are talking on the roof.
Mark says that he has lost the case, and Julia agreed to defend him in order to lose it. Mary says she does not want the trial but she is not sure she will be able to persuade Mason to withdraw the action. Mark says he is tired and ready to agree with any conditions. Mary says he must abandon all the rights for the baby; otherwise the case will go to court. Mark agrees.
Mary adds that there is one more condition: Mark must tell Mason that he has raped her. Mark refuses; he says he won't lie. Mary says that he does not admit he has done it even to himself. Mark says he has become a social cull, and he promises not to try to see her or the child. Mary does not think it is enough.
Poorly fixed "C" sign begins to swing on the wind.
Mark says she wants to shuffle off the blame on to him, and he won't do everything she wants. Mary asks about his own guilt, he answers that his own guilt is that he loves her too much.
Mary cries in despair that Mason is right and only court can stop Mark. She wants to go but Mark stops her. Julia springs out on the roof, and tries to take Mark away from Mary. Mary says Julia that she has tried to talk to Mark but no use talking to him. Julia says that such people, as Mark and David Laurent must be isolated from the society. Mark says malevolently that he won't be isolated because Mason will withdraw the action and there won't be any court. Julia asks Mary not to do it. Mark and Julia begin arguing, and both of them appeal to Mary. Mary stands between them and require to stop it.
Looking for Mary, Mason runs into the Orient Express. CC notices him and says that Mary is not in the restaurant; she is on the roof with Mark and Julia. Mason wants to go there, as he does not want Mary to stay with Mark face to face but CC stops him, and says that Julia is there and everything will be all right.
He says Mason that he presses Mary too much, and she does not want a trial. Mason asks indignantly if he wants let Mark go, CC answers: "If she wants it, yes". Mason says that if Mark had raped Eden or Kelly, CC would have required public execution. CC admits that it is probably so, and he understands Mason but it is Mary who must take the decision. Mason says Mary does not know what she wants and she is afraid of taking such a decision. CC says that the revenge is the most important thing for Mason. Mason does not want to continue talking and wants to go to the roof but CC persuades him to let Mary negotiate with Mark. He says he does not want Mary to suffer and feels he is responsible for Mary having chosen Mark. Mason says with bitterness that he has done everything to take Mary apart from him, Mason, and in his desire to keep them as far from each other as possible, he has thrown her into Mark's arms. CC admits he made a horrible mistake. Mason says that Mary has been raped by the man his father considered much better than Mason is, and now he wants Mason to forgive him. Mason requires CC not to interrupt but the latter keeps trying to stop him.
On the roof the sign is over swaying. Julia apologies to Marty and explains that the only thing she wanted to do is to help. Mary says in a trembling voice that everybody wants to help her and is sure what is better for her. "You are wrong," she cries. "I am an only person who knows what is better for me." She has to thing about the baby, and won't allow anybody to take decisions for her. Mark says that nobody is going to do this and wants to take her hand. Mary does not allow him to do it, and says that she will raise the child alone if it is necessary.
Mary answers Julia question that she wants to be happy and want to build for her child the calm and safety environment in which he or she will trust people. In this environment there won't be revenge, guilt, and self-pity, as such things make people to be prisoners, and she wants to be free. Julia persuades her to go away from the roof. Mark agrees with Julia and wants to take Mary away from there but Mary jumps aside and stands just under the swinging "C" sign opposite Mark and Julia. She shouts that Mark must not approach or touch her.
Mason pushes his father aside and runs to the roof.
Mary is standing under the swinging sign and crying that all her life the thought that if you wanted to be loved you were forbidden to argue and defend yourself, you must be quiet. That was in her family, then in the convent but she won't allow this happen any more.
The wind tears off the sign and it falls on Mary that very moment when Mason appears on the roof. Julia is screaming.
The sign of the letter "C" that stands for "The Capwell Hotel" falls on Mary.
Mason helps Mark and Julia to take the construction away from her. He kneels beside her and asks not to die.
Mark cries him that he must not touch her. Julia runs away to call the ambulance. CC comes to the roof.
Mason promises Mary to take care of her and asks to say that everything will be all right. Mary opens her eyes slowly and touches Mason's face. He covers her hand by his. Mary says Mason is far away. He asks to keep silence and spare energy.
Mary answers they have little time. Mason does not want to hear about it.
Mark is about to examine her but Mary does not want him to do it. Mark cries that she is his wife and asks to forgive him.
Mason promises she will be all right and keeps saying he loves her.
Julia appears on the roof. CC says to her that everything is bad and it is necessary to call the police. And the priest.
Mary says she is cold, and then she bends because of the pain, repeating "my baby". Mason is holding her, promising that she will be all right as well as the baby.
Mason begs Mary to struggle. She answers she is not scared of the death, and the God is close. Mason says he is scared of losing her. She promises she will always be with him. "Only one thing I did right in my life, it's loving you!" Mason says, tears running down his face. Mary can hardly smile and says she knows it.
Mary becomes weaker, Mason asks her to hang on. Mary asks him to remember how much she loved him and goes away.
Mason is holding her tight. Paramedics appear on the roof and certify death. Mason cries it is not true. He asks Mary to open her eyes. CC hunkers down beside Mason and repeats that everything is over. He manages to takes Mason away from the body.
CC makes his son to look into his eyes and repeats that Mary has gone. At last Mason admits it, and CC is holding him.

The priest is holding the ceremony, Cruz appears on the roof, Julia explains him what has happened.

Mark rushes to the stretchers with the body and asks Mary to forgive him. Then he says he will accompany the body.
Mason cries he won't go anywhere. Mary's body is taken away from the roof.

Mason demands Mark's answer about what he was doing on the roof .The latter is about to follow the ambulance and calls Mary his wife. Mason begins asphyxiating him.

"Why Mary?! Why not you?!"

CC and Cruz begin taking him away from Mark and at last they manage to do it. Mason leaves the roof.

Mark come to and says angrily that all of them must be in the jail. CC answers that he wishes he listened to Mason, and Mark will be in the hell for what he has done to Mary. Then he leaves the roof.

The Beginning: 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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