The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Page 25
However, the conversation with the father finally becomes true. CC Capwell is ruthless. He throws Mason out of the house, demanding him to collect his belongings just tomorrow, and to get out of his sight. Mason did so.
But before Mason took his belongings off, CC had demanded to see him.
It turned out that he also called Mary to tell her about all the bad Mason had done during the last year.
Mary reacted by trying to explain them both that they should resolve their differences. She says they have got one more chance, as CC overcame the coma. She told CC about Mason's sorrows during his father's illness.
But all for nothing. CC Capwell demands Mason again to leave the house. Mary cannot believe he can treat his son this way but Mark's appearance interrupts their conversation.
Mary introduces Mark to CC, and when the latter learns that they are looking for an apartment for Mary, he offers her the guest house. Mary accepts this offering.
Next day Mason moves out from the Capwell's house...
... and Mark asks Mary to go to Dylan's and Sam's casino opening with him.
Mason hears Mary agrees and comments this.
They spar at each other, and then Mason says it is time for him to leave.
Mary says she is sorry about what is going on and that she wants him to be happy. Mason answers, meaning their separation, that he was happy up to a recent time, and he still cannot understand why he cannot be now. CC's appearance puts an end to their talk.
Then we see Mary at the guest house when she is dressing up for the casino opening party and finds Mason's cardboard copy in her bed.
She laughs and seats Masonite in an armchair and then leaves for the casino opening.
At the casino she spends her time with Mark, and when Mason tries to learn what she things about his cardboard copy, she answers innocently that she noticed nothing special at the guest house.

The Beginning: 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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