The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall
The Beginning

Part 27
Christy says that she wants to say something. Steve gets up and insistent that testimony is finished.
Mason immediately objects that if the witness has something to say then she should be allowed it.
Judge asks Steve if he know what his witness wants to say. Steve denies it and had no idea about the statement she's going to make. He asks to call a short recess for the talk to Christy. Mason objects again but the judge gives the recess for 20 minutes and asks Steve to go in judge's office.

Theda and Mary immediately come closer to Christy. They do not understand what she is doing, what she wants to say. Theda suspects that Christy may feel pity for Ted and wants to change the story just to help him.
Christy said that she just want a chance to tell the truth.

Theda indignant and says that they are just about to sign a contract with a national magazine to tell the story and they are going to pay them money for that. Mary shocked by the fact that her mother is still talking with journalists. Ted believes that there is nothing wrong - and there are even some book people who want to talk to them about writing the book "The real story of Christie Duval". They can become famous! Christy upset asks if all this means to her is selling the story to some people.
Mary emphatically says her don't even think about it. Let's she just goes ahead and tell the truth no matter what. Theda angered by her words, and Mary asks whether she like to get Christy raped regularly so that they can sell a book every year?
Theda Duvall offended. Mary says a terrible thing to her. But Christy is entitled to all she could get out of it! Christy tries to stop their fighting, but Mary says that Steve comes in now. He could talk to Christy. He'll take care of everything. Mary and Theda gone out, and Steve and Christy are staying alone in the empty courtroom.
Cruz, Eden and Mason are discussing the forthcoming Christy's statement. They hope that she will change her testimony in favor of Ted. The policeman brings the report of forensics to Cruz, and Cruz goes away to read it.
Mason leaves Eden and goes to Lindsay Smith who seen in the hallway of the court. Lindsay congratulates Mason on almost the winning case, but Mason did not want to talk about it. He tells Lindsay that he talked to CC a short time ago: CC's anxious to see him and talk. Maybe Lindsay will come by the house later this evening? Lindsay reluctantly agrees. He still can't believe CC's accepted their relationship with Channing. Mason says that partly it's his (Mason's) own statesmanship and goes to talk the Duvall family. He's going into the conference room and asks Mary what Christie is up to. If she might be having a change of heart?
Mary replies that there was a moment when she thought Christy was going to tell me something but she stopped herself. So Mary also surprised about what has just happened in there.
Mason asks if Mary thinks that Christy may recant. Mary is absolutely negative. She says that Christy might be changing some small part of her testimony but Mary doesn't think she's going to exonerate Ted if that's what Mason's hoping.
Mason hoping is that her goodness and mercy doesn't follow him all the days of his life. It'd be like being hounded by the Furies. Mary says that there are some people whose dislike she takes as a compliment and proudly out of the room.
Mary passes through the corridor and opens the door of the courtroom. Christy is sitting on her witness stand in front of Steve. Mary surprised notices that Christy scared to death.
At this point Cruz passes by her in the courtroom and goes to Steve. Steve jumps up.
Cruz gives him the report of forensics and hints that there is something important. Steve says that he'll look later but Cruz advises him to look at right away. Cruz is out, and Steve is alone with Christy again.
He tries to convince her to keep quiet, but Christy is tired of his threats and she's really don't care what happened to her. Steve insists it was all over, but Christy disagrees. Steve uses his latest means and threatens to hurt Ted, not only Christy.
Everyone gathers in the courtroom and Christy begins her statement. She says that at first she was really sure that Ted Capwell was the person who raped her. And because she was so sure it kept her going through all this. She really believed that she was right. But in the last few days she started having some doubts and not positive now. When she think about it she can call the memory about Ted going away, leaving the snack bar and she was there alone at night or least she thought she was. She remembers some music playing on the jukebox and she felt really bad because the fight she had with Ted over the bracelet. She was talked with lady from the rape crisis center who said that a trauma like this can make you confused. Christy guesses that's what happened to her. The lady came to Christy with the book. It had much information about mental blocks, and Christy thinks that's what she had. In the beginning she really believed that Ted came back and attacked her but now that she have seen more sure and know that they found some scrapings under her nails and it's not Ted's. She guesses that she kind of cleared her mental block and... She wants to say that she know now that it was not Ted Capwell who raped her.
Everyone gasps. Judge calls to order and asked Christy why she not said it before? Christy says that she just was confused. And she was much less ready to make the statement.
The judge asked if she absolutely sure it was not Ted. Christy confirms it. The judge asked if have she a clear impression that the face of the man who was actually rapist? Can she identify him conclusively at this point? Christy said she's not sure. Mason stands up and asks why she's need to name Ted Capwell as her attacker when in fact she never had any clear memory of the rape at all.
Christy says that it's not exactly true. She thought that Ted came back after they had the fight. She's sorry for her mistake and repeats that it was not Ted. Mason calls the judge to dismiss the case and drop all charges against Ted Capwell but the judge rejects and asks Mason and Steve to come closer while ordering to clear the rest of the courtroom. Steve says that he's talking with Christy and has no doubts that she was telling the truth. In addition he just received the results of forensic study about the skin found under Christie's fingernails. It shows clearly that Ted's skin tissue came first. Christie scratched him first and someone else later – the real rapist.
Mason looks though the report and confirms it. Judge pleased have the evidence but still concerns that someone may have gotten Christy in the bribery. Steve says that Christy certainly wouldn't allow Ted to go free if he was guilty no matter what the outside pressure. Judge allows everyone re-enter the courtroom. Steve refers the formal request to drop charges against Ted Capwell. Judge apologizes to Ted Capwell and the Capwell family and admonishes the district attorney's office to redouble its efforts in finding the real rapist. The case is dismissed. Ted freed in the courtroom.
Christy asks Steve not hurt Ted and promises that she'll do whatever he wants. He wants Christy to go home with Mary and Theda. They're going to talk about at home.
Joyful Ted accepts everyone's congratulations and wants to throw the party.

Frustrated Christy, Theda and Mary silently are standing in the hallway of the courthouse and then come in the conference room.

Theda berates Christy for she's back off like this. They're not going to get up a deal with magazine after she said. Furthermore it's means that the rapist is still out there!
Mary's trying to stop her mother and says that then there're even more reasons to protect Christy. She asks about Steve and Christy says that the judge wanted to see him and Steve come later.
Mary looks at Christy and says that she respect what Christy did. Initially was the truth.
Laken and Ted are happy. Suddenly Ted sees Christy and quickly coming to her despite the displeasure of Laken.
Christy starts that she's sorry but Ted interrupts her. He just saw that it took a lot of courage for her to do what she did. He's grateful.
Warren talking on the phone with Mason. He says that the newspaper notice was seen by Morgan Malone. He's ready to talk and bring the money that Capwell's company paid him as the bribe. Mason promises that he'll come soon as he can. And he'll call Julia. She also wanted to attend.
Mary and Christy are return home. Mary feels guilty that she did not allow even the thought of Ted's innocence. And she just clung to her anger and wouldn't let go.
Following Christy's honesty Mary wants to be honest too. She says that reasons she went into the convent weren't very good reasons. She realized now that she was just running away at this. She was suppressing her feelings and couldn't face all of them - the good ones and the bad ones. Now she feels that she wants to be close to a man. She has real sexual desires she'd sniff do that before.
Christy asks what she's going to do next. Mary does not know yet but in any case firstly they must find the real rapist and she wants to help. Christy opposed. Mary insists that overwise Christy never going to be able to lead a normal life, never going to be able to stop this fear that's haunting her until they find that man and lock him up.
At this point Steve comes in. Christy's face showing her fear. Steve asks what matter is. Christy says that he just scared her. Mary turning her surprised gaze from one to the other.
Malone gives Mason, Julia and Warren the story about the explosion on the rig and - after Mason's request - about receiving the bribe from Capwell Enterprises. He admits that he helped to false inspection's reports to hide safety violations.
Mason says with satisfaction that they can put an end now and forget about a new trial. Warren and Julie are outraged but Mason says it makes no sense to go to court. Capwell Enterprises is no choice but to make a public apology, payoff the other accident victims and probably experiencing the closing the rig for violating safety regulations. Malone asks what he must do with that dirty money - he brought it in the suitcase. Mason says that he's see no reason why Malone not should keep it but if he's feeling guilty about it Mason thinks that he's might offer a way for him to earn it. Malone did not mind if it's legal.
Mason suggests that he can come to CC and show what is hidden under his black glove.

The Capwell family - CC, Sophia, Cruz, Eden, Laken and Ted - are enjoying with Ted's freeing.

CC goes out to search some document for Jack Lee. At the point the bell rings and Sophia opens the door.
It's Mason. He knows that he is as welcome as the flowers in May but he thought that Ted would be disappointed if he didn't at least put in an appearance. Sophia reluctantly let him in for Ted's sake, just asks him to will not try to upset CC.
Mason chats with Ted and Laken, and then with Eden and Cruz - Eden invites him to the Orient Express for the Ted's party. Mason says first he must talk with the father.
Ted says Laken that he's sorry Christy. And it seems to him that she still lies. He doesn't believe that she blocks out the rape and he thinks that she's may aware who the real rapist is. Laken want not to hear about Christy. Ted does not understand why Christy suddenly changed her testimony. Laken says it's something to explain easy: Mason brilliantly showed her as a liar. Appeared Mason says he would glad to take all the credit for himself but largely he just got lucky. Ted points that the father coming out of the study and Mason goes to talk to CC Capwell.
CC deeply outraged that Mason even appeared in the house after sleeping with his own stepmother.
Steve and Christy come into his apartment. Steve believes that he lived up his part of the bargain and now Christy should fulfill her part. She's promised to do whatever he wants. So it's time to make her first pay.

Mason says that he thought he can hurt Ted's feelings if he didn't show up. CC barks that they have the celebration and Mason have nothing to celebrate. Only a multitude of sins to atone for.

Mason retorts that CC has a few things to atone for himself also. He can recall his doubt in Ted's innocence when he was first accused in the rape. And Gina's miserable life that forced her to turn for comfort to Mason.
At this point Sophia rushes to CC. She berates Mason for what he upset his father again and then reminds CC that Eden wants to celebrate at the Orient Express and there so getting ready to go. But CC refuses, he just waiting Jack Lee's visit to arrange some papers. Under Sophia's pressure he still promises to come. Mason says he also wants to put in an appearance himself. CC's reacting incredibly angry.
Sophia goes out to the guest house to change. CC tells Eden that he could not go to the party right now and then goes into the atrium. The doorbell rings. Eden answers and surprised to see Lindsay Smith. He says that Mason asked him to meet him here.
Mason and Lindsay come in the atrium. CC surprised to see Lindsay. Lindsay congratulates CC on Ted's freeing. Then he says that he just wants to let CC know how much he appreciate how understanding and being CC is about his and Channing's relationship. CC's smile is fading.

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