The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Page 69
Mason wakes up in the presidential suite of the Capwell hotel and he is surprised at seeing Gina. She explains that she took him from the State Street bar and brought him here.
She also went to his apartment and brought him a change of clothes.
Mason takes his wallet and checks it. Gina is indignant and she says that if it is empty, it is because he has spent money in the bar. Mason asks what else he did in the bar; Gina answers that he talked a lot, mainly to Mary.
Somebody knocks the door. It is CC. He says he was told that the suite is occupied. Gina protects Mason and says that it was she who brought him in the suite.
Mason sends Gina to his office to check if there are any messages for him. When Gina leaves the suite, a woman in white follows her.
Mason says that Gina tries to be his guardian angel. CC is skeptical in these regards and says that Mark confirmed his confession to the police and the accusation is quite formal now.
He suggests that Mason should yield this case to somebody else. Mason says he probably will do this, because he is going to take a holiday. CC approves this. Mason says that he is going to file a civil charge against him but, being a DA office Assistant he cannot do it.
CC is sorry that Mason did not calm down. He says that he wrote out a check for 2 million dollars for Mary's mother and suggests that Mason should give it to her by himself. Mason does not agree to abandon the accusation. CC tries to come up with Mason and offers Mason returning home, to the Capwells house.
Mason asks with suspicion about the terms of his coming back. CC answers that there no terms; he just should not be alone. Mason is not sure that he won't be thrown off in a couple of weeks if he breaks come rule.
CC promises never to throw Mason off for any reason. Mason says he won't withdraw a 25 million dollars charge against him. CC agrees with it. He gives Mason keys but Mason doesn't take them.
CC puts the keys of the table and is about to leave but then he sees his case and remembers that he wanted to show something to Mason. It is sketches of stained-glass windows that are to be given to the church on Mary's behalf. Mason says they are beautiful and gives them back to the father.
CC says the stained-glass windows will be settled in 3 months, and today, at 5 o'clock the opening of Mary's memorial tablet will be held. Mason is not sure he will be able to attend it and thanks his father.
CC leaves and Mason takes the keys of father's house in his hand.
Gina returns to the presidential suite. She lists to Mason those who presented condolences but he cuts her short.
Gina tries to crawl back into Mason favour but she fails. After regrets that their affairs broke Mason and Mary relations she says that she is not sorry that they had affairs. Seeing that Mason gets angry Gina asks him not to pay attention to her. Mason is about to leave and Gina remembers that Ted spoke over the phone about the ceremony in the church.
Mason says he is not sure if he will be there. Gina says she will miss Mary. Mason leaves in silence. The same woman in white follows him.
Opening of Mary's memorial tablet is held off-screen. Sophia is sorry that Mason did not attend it. CC says that the stained-glass windows will be settled by November and Father Metcuff will bless them immediately.
Mason appears in the church later, when nobody is there any more. Before he approaches the tablet, Julia and Augusta enter the chapel. Julia says that the ceremony was simple, and his absence made an impression. Augusta puts her down.
Mason says sarcastically that he can't count on being left alone. Julia offers apology but says that some questions require decisions. Mason says they have nothing to decide and remind her about her "contribution" to David Laurent's case. Julia says that she was in the court and learnt that he withdrew a charge against his father but filed a charge against her.
Augusta interrupts her and says that Julia is innocent and she wanted to get Mark imprisoned, believing that it was impossible to prove the rape. Augusta tries to talk her out of it but Julia preferred to risk her career for Mary's sake. She asks Mason, who is keeping silence if he believes her. He says: "Maybe". Augusta presents condolences and leaves.
Julia asks if he will withdraw a charge. Mason says that if Augusta was right, he has to thank her. Julia says she doesn't need gratitude she needs justice only. Mason asks if it was her idea to go to the roof and why she didn't stop Mark. Julia answers that it was not her idea and there was no use stopping Mark, it was and accident. She says he won't prove anything anyway, and Mary wouldn't approve his actions. Mason says Mary won't say anything anymore but she wouldn't put it as Julia did. Julia says that Mary loved him and did not accuse him of anything: neither of her going to the roof, nor of making her file a charge against Mark. Mary would never tell about his fault, unlike Julia.
"Mason, we know that it was you who made her go to the court. But you did not kill her."
Julia apologizes for having told this and leaves.

Mason stays alone in the church. He looks at the tablet and says he is glad that there is no Mark's name on it.

He looks around and asks Mary to give him a sign. He says he loves her and asks to forgive. He kneels at the tablet and asks to forgive him.
Mason is lying steel in the church near Mary's memorial tablet. Lightened candle is thrown near him. A women in white puts out the candle and draws Mason away by his hands.
This is the end of Mason and Mary's lovestory, although Mason was in the series until its end. He was married three times; three actors played his role. A woman in white was Lily Light, the evangelist preacher .

The Beginning: 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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