The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall
The Beginning

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Part 6
An article about Ted's arrest is on the first page of a newspaper. Laken and Mason are waiting for his bailment.
Finally Ted comes, Laken and he are holding each other.
Almost immediately reporters rush into the room and begin asking their questions. Mason says that he will hold press conference later, and he takes Ted and Laken away from the police station, rushing through the crowd of reporters.
Christie leaves the hospital; reporters surround her. Steve answers all the questions addressed to Christie. He confirms that he will come to Mason's press conference.
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Steve sees Jade in the hospital. He wants her to tell him everything she knows about that evening. Jade is about to refuse but finally, after Steve threat to subpoena her, she agrees.
Steve takes Jade to the cafe and questions her.
Mason takes Ted to Kelly apartment where both of them live. Ted is very tired. Mason offer changing clothes and to go to see their father. Ted doesn't want to go anywhere, especially to see the father. Now they are discussion the rape case. Mason says that it depends on Christie's medical tests.
Cruz comes to their apartment. He says he has bad news. The test showed that particles of Ted's skin had been under Christie's nails. Ted says it is not surprising because that evening she scratched his cheek.
Laken comes. Ted says that he is going to see his father and then they will be able to talk. Laken goes away and Cruz asks Ted to tell him everything from the beginning to the end. Ted tells beginning with the larceny of the bracelet and ending by his leaving the bar.
Cruz assumes that the one who raped Christie came immediately after Ted had left.
Cruz goes away. Ted is upset. He says that now there is an evidence against him. Mason says they should concentrate on Christie. She lies skillfully. And did she sleep with a lot of men? Ted confirms this unwillingly, as Christie told him about it by herself. Mason wants to tell about it at the press conference and Ted does not agree with it. Mason thinks they have to use all the opportunities they have, and Christie will sorry about what she has done.
Mary and Theda take Christie to the apartment that Steve rented for them‚ the next to his.
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Theda with a cigarette in her hand says that she is happy that all of them are together now and promises Christie not to drink any more.
She says that they are a family again and offer eating ice cream to liven up. Christie answers that she doesn't like ice cream. Theda is surprised.
Steve comes to the apartment. Theda thanks him for the flat. Mary asks about the case and says that Ted Capwell must pay for everything that he has done to Christie. Steve promises to take care of it.
Mason is holding a press conference. He states that Ted didn't do anything to Christie. He says that Steve, being DA office assistant, makes career this way, and then he says very unpleasant things about Christie.
Theda and Christie are watching the press conference on TV. Theda is very indignant at Mason's words.
Ted is watching the press conference too. And he is also indignant at what Mason has said.
Mary rushes to Mason's stand shouting "Lier!"
The latter is finishing up his speech and passes by indignant Mary to the exit.
Steve takes the place at the stand. Being not only DA office assistant but also Christie's brother he states that Ted Capwell will pay for what he has done to his sister.
Mason says Mary that he is sorry but he said what he had to say. Mary answers that he belied her sister, an innocent girl!
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He promises that in the court the true will come out.
Mary says that it is not true, and Mason just want to protect his brother, knowing that he is guilty.
"This is true," Mason says, and adds that it will be hard for her and her family when everything is clear up.
Steve interrupts them. He and Mason are arguing about the trial.
In the end Steve shows his trump‚ a witness named Jade Perkins. Mason and Laken next to him are shocked.

The Beginning: 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part6 Part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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