The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Page 9
Mary feels herself guilty because he did not do her duty well enough. Mason says her that she has saved his father's live and he will never forget it. Mary says that in spite of all bad things he told about his father he loves him a lot.
Doctors at the hospital say that the apparent death that CC went through has not affected his condition. It is the same as it was before this event.
Mary recollects again what she has seen, when she rushed the room: a woman sitting at the window ledge, who immediately jumped down. Mary almost sure it was Eden and, as before the insult to the brain occurred to him, CC made Eden promise that she would unplug the life support system if he became helpless and Eden suffered a lot because of it, Mary is not surprised by this and decides not to divulge this information to spare Eden's feelings.
However, Mary worries about what she has seen then and she asks Mason if he had seen something or somebody when he entered after her. Mason has not noticed anything special but Mary's question makes him think that she has seen something and she keeps something to herself. He demands that Mary tells what she has seen but Mary keeps silence. However, Mason does not like it. He asks Mary again and again what she has seen and finally she unwillingly says she has seen somebody's shadow.
Cruz, investigating the accident, asks Mary to keep silence about what she has seen and collects the fingerprints of everybody who was in the room. The fingerprints of Mary, of the nurse she substituted, of Mason and of Eden were found on the plug.
Mason requires Mary again to tell him whom she has seen. They quarrel.
Mary goes to work to the clinic. She is delivered a pack with a meal. She decides that it is from Mason and opens the pack. She found her favorite milkshake there.
Mason arrives, and resentful Mary (however, she has not sent the pack away) attacks him because he has read her personal diaries. She decided this because he knows she loves this milkshake and has sent it to her. Puzzled Mason says he has not read her diaries. Mary is disappointed a little. Mason asks again whom she has seen that night and they quarrel again.
After Mason's departure a bearded man appears, seeing him, Mary falls on his neck. It was Mark who has been a friend of Mary at high school.
Mary and Mark have a nice talk and they agreed to meet the next day to spend more time together.
After Mark has left, Mason comes again and, having his strategy changed, by cheating her, makes Mary say that she has seen Eden. Mary becomes very angry when she understands that she has been cheated and quarrels with Mason.

The Beginning: 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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