The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall
The Beginning

Part 26
The last day of Ted's trial begins. Ted and Mason talk before the session. Mason tries to encourage his brother and advises how Ted must hold himself. Ted afraid that the jury already made up their minds against him and believes Christy. He asks Mason tell the truth. What he does thinks his chances are?
Mason pausing and then replies that Ted's innocence plus Mason's skill experience in total commitment says that his chances are pretty good. Ted says that he never forget what Mason have done for him. The guard looks in and says that the time's out. Ted goes out and soon Lindsay Smith comes in. He immediately tells Mason that he could not help him at the trial since had too many cases in his own.
Mason says that it's not about the trial but about Lindsay's relationship with Channing Junior. CC wants to make contact him.

* * *

In the hallway Steve admonishes Christy to hold tightly. He promises her everything and even more: whole family can move to Houston, she could go back to school and do anything she wants. Christy remained silent. Steve begins to threaten her.
Mason closes the door. Lindsay says that closing doors was a part of his life, adding that he married man now. Mason congratulates him, but Lindsay continues that he wants to break up the past and don't wants anything more to do with the Capwells. If CC still trying tofigure out his connection with Channing?
Mason says that CC knows where his connection was. Lindsay stunned. Mason confirms that his father knows that Lindsay and Channing were lovers and this may come as a surprise to him but Mason thinks that CC wants him share some of his memories of Channing. Lindsay clearly do not believe him but Mason says that he was amazed by CC's reaction like Lindsay are. The fact that he loved Channing and has memories he could share it seems to be very important to CC. And CC even asked if Lindsay had a picture of the two of them together. Lindsay says that he still has one: he didn't destroy it though Channing was so terrified that his father was going to find out about them. That was the reason why he broke it off this. Mason says that he have to go back into the courtroom. He would be grateful if Lindsay could get him that picture before tonight. He adds that CC Capwell could give help for a newlywed with struggling law practice. They say goodbye. Lindsay goes out but Gina sees him as passing the hallway.
She walks to Mason and wonders what Lindsay's doing here. Mason says that he's going to only perform the last rite over the legend of Channing Capwell Junior. Mason may be on his way out the family but he won't be going alone. This time he's taking Channing with him.

* * *

In the courtroom Mason begins questioning Ted. He asked whether it was true that Ted was accepted both Stanford and Harvard but he decided to attend the college in Santa Barbara?
Ted accepts it and Mason asks about his reason. Ted says that he have here somebody he cares. His girlfriend. After Mason's question he says that her name Laken Lockridge. Mason keeps asking about his relationship with Laken. Does Ted in love with her? How long have they been together?
Ted says that he loves Laken very much. They have been together little over a year. On and off.
"Were you together at the time Christy Duvall was raped?"
"Yes, sir, and we were closer than we've ever been before".
"The bracelet that Christy Duvall stolen was intended as a present for Laken, was or not?"
Steve jumps with the objection that Miss Duval repeatedly denied having stolen the bracelet. Judge sustained it. Mason reforms the question, and Ted confirms that it was the gift for Laken. Mason asks the big question: did Ted rape Christy Duvall? Ted firmly replies that he did not. Mason has no further questions. Judge grants the right of questioning to Steve. Steve begins with the story of Ted and Laken's relationships and asks if they haven't had an easy time that then.
When Ted accepts it, Steve asks if Ted go out with girls during the time that he and Laken were apart. Ted says no, he went out with the kids and stuff but it's no special. Steve asks if they had sexual relationships. Mason objections that the defendant's private sexual activity has no bearing on this case. Steve argues that the counsel just taken great pains to establish his client's feelings love for his girlfriend and they intend to further explore the nature of their relationship. Judge overruled and allows Steve to continue this line. Steve asks Ted if he and Laken slept together. Ted hesitates, but finally confirmed. Steve asks how many times they had sex and Ted forced to answer that they slept two or three times. After Steve's mocking notes that couldn't be too hard to keep track up he says that three times. Steve openly mocked. Three time. In little over a year. Handsome guy like he? If he thinks that he has normal sexual drives for a young man his age?
After Mason's objection Steve withdraws the question and asks Ted: whose choice was it to have sex only three times in a little over a year - his or Laken's. Ted reluctantly said that both. Steve says that it must've been frustrating for him. Ted confirms that it was frustrating in some time. Steve immediately picks up the subject that Ted has been looking around for the past few years feeling pretty sexually frustrated.
Mason objects that Steve putting words into the witnesses' mouth. Judge sustained. Steve asks if Ted would want to make love to Laken many more times than he was able to. Ted tries to explain that it was not like as Steve shows it but Steve says that he must just answer the question. Ted says that it was okay if they didn't because he loves her so much. That's how he feels and that's how she feels too. Steve asks when they first made love. Ted says that the same day when he'd thrown the jail, July 30th.
"It was couple days after you raped Christy?"
"Right... No!" Ted jumps up. "I did not rape her!"
Steve says that there were months and months but they slept only after he had his sex with Christy.
"I did not have the sex with Christy!" Ted cries.
Mason objections and the judge sustained. Steve asks whether Ted's recent experience with Laken was his first sexual experience. If he was a virgin until then? Ted reluctantly accepts. Steve presses that Laken kept him at arm's length and driving crazy by holding him back. So he cannot control himself any longer and gave the exploding! Mason objects, but the judge overruled. At this point Ted intervenes and tells Mr. Bassett make him so like he's some sex starved. He'd not! The rape is... a crime or violence against women is nothing sexual about. Steve picks up the subject and says that the rape is the act for a man who hates women. Ted was abandoned by his mother when he was a child, right? Ted reluctantly confirmed that he was three years old but he was not abandoned. His mother had the accident and she got sick.
Steve says that three-year-old whose mother suddenly disappears must feel deserted, rejected by the most important woman in his life. The event where Ted's anger to women came from? Ted indignantly says that he does not hate women! Mason objects that prosecutors give not credit as a psychoanalyst to be established. Judge sustained and asked Steve to leave the psychological interpretations to the experts. Steve agrees and asks Ted if what he thinks about Christy: did he think about Christy as about a tractor beam? Ted replies that he didn't really think much about it. She's a cute girl. He thinks that she comes on a little strong. After Steve's leading question he explained that she can be very seductive. Steve asks if Christy seemed easy to Ted. May be he thinks can pay her to do when Laken wouldn't. Maybe he feel rejected in the way did his mother. May be it made Ted so mad so he attacked Christy! Mason shouts his objections, Ted is trying to argue, but Steve keep continues to drag through the mire both Ted and Laken.
Finally the judge announces the end of the questioning. Ted yells that he did not raped Christy.

* * *

In the hallway Warren comes to Mason. They discuss Ben Gilles' case. At the end Warren remind Masons that their main focus is on helping Ben, not on destroying CC. He hopes that Mason share that goal. Mason agrees.
After Warren's leaving Sophia comes to Mason. They talk about the trial. Then Sophia says she saw how Mason talks with Lindsay Smith and asked about they were talking.
Mason says that it's legal maneuverings, but Sophia does not believe him. She's says that he's up to something and she's not going to let him hurt CC again. They parted, and Mason comes into the courtroom. Mary's waiting for him, she asks Mason go easy on her sister.
Mason amazed with her chutzpah and wants to leave. Mary grabs his arm and says it was clear to everybody that he has lost. So why put Christy through more unnecessary hell? Mason replies that after what herstep-brother put his brother through on the stand just now he finds it hard to take her request seriously.
Mason goes to his place and Mary goes out the hallway. In the court room Gina appears in. She wants to talk Mason, but he had no time. He has to talk with Cruz and Eden. That's something that may be their last hope for Ted.
In the hallway Theda Bassett is talking with the journalist, and Mary tries to cheer Christy before the questioning.
Steve approaches and Mary says she can not wait when they can get on with normal lives for their selves. Then she goes into the court room to make sure that their seats are empty, and Christy left alone with Steve again.
Steve says he knows her better than anyone in the world. He can tell that something's going on with her. She's so quiet. It's like he's planning something. Christy weakly snarls that if he knows her better than anyone so he should know it. Steve immediately starts his threats again. Christy says that Mary was wrong. She never is able to live a normal life. Steve surprised why she do. They were winning. Christy quietly says that she thought maybe if she had her family back together it would be the best but it is not the answer. No anymore.
Steve demands that she stick her story. Christy replies that he no is worry about her. She can handle with Mason.

Cruz and Eden walk down the hall, discussing Ted's trial. Eden says that Steve Bassett is the hateful person she has ever met.
They approach to Mason. Cruz says he had been looking the pictures Nick has been taking during the session. These are not the one Christy's honesty. And every time Mason's back was turned she's been staring at Bassett, and Nick caught him not even to return only stare as smiling at her and then frowning at her.

"Well, do you think you could be prompting her?" Mason asks.
Cruz says that in his opinion as a looks like. So means that he is in on the lie. Eden can not believe that Steve knows that Ted is not lying and he's still prosecuting him. Mason don't think it's inconceivable but he think is more likely is doing everything Steve can to get her to stick to her story and his case hold up. Eden terrified because Ted can go to prison because those terrible people (Steve and Christy) are getting up on him. Mason says he doing everything he can.
Eden knows that there's a lot of pressure on him. She's really glad being Mason defending Ted. She hugs Mason, and she and Cruz leave.

Gina wants to talk to Mason again. She did not understand his attitude to her. Mason says that he don't have an attitude. All he have it is a sick knot in the pit in his stomach.

They talk about Ted's trial, and then Gina suggests that Mason is something up. Mason confirmed it but refuses to go in details. He just says that it's going had his dad even harder than finding the two of them together. He offers Gina to steer clear the train because it may not be very pretty. He's going to rob his loving father and his amends delusion.

* * *

Mason start to questioning Christy. He asked about her family, how close they are. When Christy confirms that they're very close he wondered why she's living separately until quite recently. The separation has anything to do with her mother being an alcoholic?
Christy says that her mother stopped. She quit drinking the day after Christy was attacked. Mason wondered if those two events were related. Christy says that her mother wanted to be able to take care of her.
Mason asks about Mary and her leaving the order. Christy confirms that Mary left out partly for the same reason. For her. Mason says that her stepbrother is living close to the three of them now. So something good did come out of this tragedy after all? Her family was reunited. Christy accepts it. Mason asks how she feels about that. When Christy replies that very happy about, he asks what was she afraid of when she wanted to run away from home. She left the home in great haste by climbing out her bedroom window. Christy reluctantly admits that it was but claims that she's afraid nothing. Mason asks if she told her sister that she left the house.
Christy replies that she said Mary that she going to make her own way.
"So you lied to her," Mason resumes.
Christy indignantly says what not a lie is. It's just another way of saying something. Mason asks if she remember what she told her mother when she left on. Christy tries to reject it but Mason threatens to call her mother to the stand and Christy accepts that she remembers: she told her that she got a part in a movie and that they need her right away. Mason concludes that because there wasn't any movie she lied to your mother about that. Christy says just wanted that her mother would not worry.
Mason picks up the subject that her mother didn't have anything to worry about even after that because every time Christy calls home she had good news for about her glamorous job and some wealthy admirers. Correct? Steve objects that Mason does not questioning the witness, he's testifying himself. Judge sustained and asks Mason to reform the question. Christy indignantly says that she had lot of good jobs.
"Such as being a cocktail waitress in a bowling alley until they found out you been lying about your age in using a fake ID?" Mason asks.
Christy reluctantly admits it. Steve tries to protest saying that he don't see the point in these questions.
Mason says that the point is to show the discrepancy between the stories Miss Duvall was telling her family and the way she was actually living at that time. The point is to illustrate her tendency to tell a lie rather than the truth when ever given a choice. Judge overruled, and Mason continues. When Christy was in a hospital bed after she have been raped, she came to encounter family gathered all around and must've been a wonderful feeling. They were concerns and loving, and at last all was forgiven. And since they'd already decided it was Ted Capwell who raped her it must've been easy to fall back into her old habits and to live just to please them.
Christy quietly says that she wouldn't do that. Mason argues that they already done that. When she lied about her jobs, about her boyfriend, she did that to please her mother, did her? Christy says it's different. Mason says that her family seems to want her to name Ted Capwell and naming Ted meant that they'd all stay together. What's one more lie in a lifetime life! Steve objects and the judge sustained. But Mason continues that the lying is a way of life for Christy. It's the only way she knows to get what she wants, is a way to get attention. Isn't it true that she lied about the rape just to keep her family around? And when they started making sacrifices for her, she just went right on lying? Steve objected again that Mason would be better following his own advice and stop psychoanalyzes the witness. Mason shouts that Christy is a liar in a perjurer. She lied when she said Ted Capwell was who did it to her, didn't? Did not she?!
The court room's noise rises, Steve objects, the judge calls to order. Mason apologizes and returns to Christy. He asks if she have told them anything but the truth here. Christy says that she's telling the truth. Mason asks her to admit that when her sister asked her if Ted Capwell was the one who raped her, she simply take the easy way out and say yes. Was it not just simply easy? Christy says indignantly that it was not. She loves her family, and they love her. And she didn't tell them what happened to her because would be it was the hardest thing that she have done in her life! Mason said that it's a way she have gone through her life. Maybe she doesn't know the difference between a lie in a truth here? Steve objects and the judge sustained. Mason refers to the judge saying that the fine young man has been accused of a crime he didn't commit by this girl has been proven over and over again to be a liar! Steve and Mason get involved in the fray and eventually stopped by the judge.
Finally Mason turns to Christy again. What she has gained by accusing Ted? Is she trying to protect someone else? Or she just hates him because he didn't want her? Is it a punishment? Because if it is for god sakes he's been punished enough! Otherwise the innocent go to the prison because her!
Christy says that she cannot help if he'll go the prison for his crime and then yells that she would know who made her raped. It was Ted Capwell!
Mary tells her mother that it's over. They won. Mason says wearily that he have no further questions. Smiling Steve has no further questions also. Judge says Christy that she may step down.
However, Christy seems some dazed after his crying and does not react. Judge repeat that she can step down - the counselor have finished the questioning. Christie haltingly says that she is not finished. She has to say something. Frighten Steve is beginning to stand up.

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