The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Page 57
Mason says to Mary that he did not tell Mark about the baby but he thinks it should be done, as it may hasten the annulment. Mary is against. Mason accuses her of being afraid of taking important decisions, Mary answers she just is not ready to see Mark.
Mason says that Mark will learn about the baby any way and admits he is afraid of losing Mary.
Telephone is ringing, it is Mark, he wants to see Mason.
Mary comes to the Capwell house to speak to Sophia. She says that Mason has asked Mark to come. Mary believes that a month later Mark would not suppose it was his child but Mason did not want to wait. Sophia says that before her operation she was in the same situation and her reticence did not make things good. She advises Mary to tell Mason about the rape. Mary refuses categorically. Sophia says she should tell Mark about her pregnancy, hoping for his good attitude toward her.
Mason sees Mark at the restaurant.
Mason says that Mark has to talk to the priest in order to get the annulment. Mark does not understand the reason for the haste and does not want to help Mason and Mary to get married. Mason says that there is some secret in Mary's attitude toward Mark that prevents Mary from speaking with him about the annulment.
Mary calls Mason to the restaurant and says she is ready to see Mark but later and tete-a tete. Mason begins objecting but Mary says she want to solve this by herself.
Ending the conversation, she looks at Sophia who tries to cheer her up.
Mark comes to Mason's flat to talk to Mary. They begin arguing at once. Mark says he agrees with the grounds "non consummation", although he could consummate the marriage. Mary shouts that it was a rape. Mark says she will never prove it and there is nothing he can be blamed for, he left the town. Mary says she did not know that the talk with the priest would be necessary and it would be possible to arrange everything for two weeks. Mark says he cannot stay for such a long period and suggests that he will come next spring (at the present moment it is June 1986). It is too long for Mary.
She tries to persuade him to stay and they shouts that it is very important for her and her baby. Astonished, Mark asks: "Are you pregnant?"

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