The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

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Mary's morning begins from Mason's Polaroid flash. According to his words, the pictures taken for the next several hours would fully show the transformation that will happen to her after the beauty shop visiting and the massage.
The transformation did take place and shiny Mary was drinking champagne with Mason in a limousine.
The couple returns to the Capwell's mansion to go from there in several hours to the party at the Orient Express on the occasion of Halloween.
However Mason and Mary were not to spend this night unanxiously. Any way, it begins very nicely, with the dinner in the Orient Express and dancing.
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But then the Fate interferes and the nurse who substituted for Mary that day has to leave and Mary has to go to the duty.
Mason returns with her and the lovers comfortably settle in CC's study at the Capwell's mansion ground floor.
The romantic evening goes on, they unaware what a dramatic event takes place upstairs, in the room of comatose CC.
And in the head's of the family room Gina tries to make intoxicated Eden to switch her father's life support system off.However, Eden cannot endure it and faints, never unplugging. Gina has nothing but do what she has planned by herself. She unplugs the system and at that moment the alarms goes off.
Mason and Mary are in CC's study, Mary's alarm does not work, as Gina has put it out of order. Mason gives Mary the pearl she has found in the oyster the other day, when they where "at Buzz's". He has put it in a beautiful setting. At this moment Mary hears some noise from upstairs. She asks Mason if he hears anything and, in spite of the negative answer, opens the door. This time they both hear distinctly the loud alarm coming from CC's life support system.
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Mary and Mason run upstairs. Mary enters the room first and gets a glimpse of "Eden" at the window but, in fact, it is Gina in the wig that looks like Eden's hair. But Mary has another thing to do. She asks Mason to switch the iron lung on. CC's hearts goes beating. Mason calls the ambulance. When he returns CC's heartbeat becomes slight and then stops at all. Mason asks in fear: "Has he gone?!"
Mary keeps her balance and with Mason's help tries to revive CC. Sophia and Ted, who were in the garden near the guest house, where Sophia lived, enter the room. They also have heard and with fear and hope watch Mason applying artificial respiration.
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The ambulance arrives and Mary gives the patient to a doctor. CC's hearts is stimulated with electrodes and it begins beating. Mary goes to the corridor and informs Mason, Sophia and Ted that CC is alive. The doctor goes out of the room and says that CC should be immediately taken to the hospital and then he adds that it is Mary to thank for his survival.

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