The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall
The Beginning

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Part 1
Everything began when Mary, the older sister of Christy Duvall arrived to Santa Barbara.

It is necessary to mention that meanwhile Christy was in love with Ted Capwell and even worked at his father's residence as a nanny of Brandon, Ted's younger brother. Mary knew about it and that is why it was Capwell's residence, not other place, where she came to look for her sister.

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Their first meeting was pleasant, although non-committal.

Their next meeting was much more romantic and curious.

Its beginning was like the first one's. Mary came to the Capwell's house again to find Christie. But this time Mason informs her immediately that Christie has retired without any notice.

Mary tries to find her sister at Jade's (Christie has left a note asking to send a check for the sum she has earned to Jade) but Christie was not there.
Mason offers having dinner together and Mary, after short hesitation, agrees. They are speaking and dancing.
When Mason is going to kiss her, she steps back and says that se has not told him something. Mary shows him her cross; Mason says he is not a vampire. They are laughing. Mason says he has not heard that sex is forbidden among Catholics. Mary says that it is not approved among nuns.
Astonished, Mason understands that she is a nun.
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