The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall
The Beginning

Part 29
CC asks what Mason wants to tell him. Mason replies that CC already has all the answers in the words of Lindsay. He gives to his father the photo of Channing and Lindsay together and points at Channing's arm around Lindsay.
CC says that they were friends. There is no news. Mason leads him to the realizing that Channing and Lindsay were photographed in the bar where were impairs rather couples. CC furiously tears the photo up and yells that Mason amazed even him paying this man to come here faking that photograph.
Mason says that Channing was gay. Homosexual that way. CC replied that Mason is a liar. Channing was a father, a man! CC is raising his son. Mason argues that he did not say that Channing was sterile. Anyone can have children that don't take any special talent. CC says that he takes a woman and not a man. Mason retorts that it's very astute but Channing gave up the woman in favorable Lindsay and CC paid the way by sending Santana off to have Brandon. Moreover CC may ask anyone because he's the only one in the house who doesn't know about. CC promises that he will ask. At this point he notices the woman in the dark deep of the atrium. It's Santana. She walks up and explains that she had to take her mom home and just not even going to try to see Brandon.
Mason offers CC to ask Santana. No better witness she certainly proven and she's no friend of Mason. CC starts from afar saying that Santana was more intimate with Channing then the rest of all and did bore his child. And then finally blurts out that she must tell Mason there's no possible way that Channing could have been a homosexual!
Santana is upset. She turns to Mason. How he can tell him? Mason shrugs and says that it's time. Santana accuses Mason how he can be so vicious to his father, and CC finally realizes the truth. He whispers that this is not true. He feels bad and Santana rushes to him.

* * *

Steve returns to his apartment and put the gun in the drawer of the table. Mary comes out of the bedroom and asks where he has been.
Steve replies that he was looking for Christy and loudly asked if she had called. Mary hushes him saying that Theda's asleep in the bedroom. She tells don't ask her about Theda's scene at the Capwells' and adds that they came back here thinking may be Steve found Christy. Mary asks Steve if he thinks that may be Christy knows who her real attacker is. Steve replies that he was as surprised as anybody about what she said in that courtroom. Mary said that she thought a lot about. Christy's so secretive and so scared. May be she's running away from the rapist. May be it's even somebody that she cares about or... or used to care about, and she is protecting him.
Steve doubted it and tells that he's trying to concentrate. Mary says that she's seen this happen before. Sometimes a woman will identify with the attacker and begin to think that it's her fault somehow. Especially if it's someone she knows. But even somebody as brutal as the man...
Steve explodes, screaming at her to shut up about it. Then he says that he's sorry and explaining that he's concerned too. Mary says that he is right. The most important thing is to find Christy now.

* * *

Meanwhile Christy coming in the Duvall's house in Ventura Country. She sits on the couch, putting her bag down and looks at the phone.
Then she fumbles in the bag, pulls out Ted's photo and begins to dial the number saying that she got Ted into this and no one is going to hurt him.

* * *

Santana helps CC to sit on the sofa, and Mason continues to torture his father. He says that it's a tunnel where Channing and his boyfriend used to do the active darkness. Just like Sophia and Lionel.
Santana tries to shut up Mason because CC's bad reaction. But Mason knows that his father is alright. CC weakly gets up. He wants to punch Mason and Mason goads him, but at this point Sophia and Gina come in.
Sophia rushes to CC, hugging him. CC tries to tell her about Channing. That Lindsay Smith was here.
Santana says that Lindsay would never have done this. It's Mason's doing. All's his doing. Sophia furiously asks if Mason is happy now. He answers "yes".
CC says Sophia that it is a true. About Channing. Santana said it was. Sophia tells him that they don't know that right now but Mason says that of course they know. He has letters from Lindsey to Channing and Lindsay to Channing. Sophia tries to stop him but Mason mercilessly continues. Why does CC think Peter Flint was able to blackmail Channing? Yeah, Channing may have been sleazy but he certainly wasn't dumb. If CC would found out back then Channing would have died at his father's hand instead of his mother's.
Sophia slaps Mason. He tells her that she's always a perfect wife. Fighting this battle spending his money, keeping his secrets. Just keeping her own too. He hopes he's around the day she come to clean.
Sophia asks if he thinks that he's really best to Channing now. She can see through his game very clearly. No matter which Channing did what he was is nothing compared to the abomination of sleeping with his own father's wife. Mason again trying to get his father but Sophia stops him and persuades CC to go upstairs and have rest, and she'll contact Dr. Biddles. CC does not as long as Gina and Mason here. Sophia promises that they won't be here very long and leads CC out.
Gina says that she heard him hurt terribly. Mason says that his father rebound with something. It will let Mason win if he can help it. Sophia comes back and wants to get Gina out. They exchanged with biting words and Gina finally leaves.
Santana says Sophia that is something wrong with CC. Mason pleased to confirm that he's limb appear like a wounded ball. Sophia barks that CC not young anymore to keep taking these blows. No one could. Mason tells her to turn for her Ali for now. But just tell him that Mason will be back for round two. And he leaves too.

* * *

the Orient Express. Mason is drinking at the bar, Santana approaches him. She asks why he had to involve her in all that.
Mason says that just because she was there and get for being nice to her mother. Santana says she never wanted to CC know everything, and now he got to hate her. And Sophia does too. Sophia understood her because she couldn't be with her children when they were growing up but now it's over. She really is glad that CC found out about Mason and Gina and thrown them out the house. Santana leaves the bar, Mary and Steve comes in. They are looking for Christy. Mason hears Steve's question to the bartender and realizes that Christy still hasn't shown up yet. He asks Mary and she confirms that they haven't evenheard from her.
Mason offers all of them have a drink just to show that there are no hard feelings. He reminds Steve that the innocent man came very close to going to prison. Then he says that now the trick is to find the real rapist. He wouldn't want to be in Steve's shoes. Steve barks that he's mean. But Mason just doesn't think the rapist will be easy to find. That's all. Steve going away to asking around about Christy, and Mary and Mason left alone in the bar.
Mary apologizes for Steve. She doesn't know why he so pent up is and tense. She guesses that she's been driving him crazy. She's so on edge about Christy and does not understand why she ran away if nothing was wrong. Mason reminds that it was not the first time when Christy escapes. Mary says that it is but that was before when she was fed up with her mom's drinking and her step-father's abuse. That's all changed now.
Mason says that some things are hard to forget and forgive. Family's most of all. Mary could not see why. Nobody wants to be shaped by unhappy memories. Why is it so hard to break away? Mason guesses that it's because precious few want to.
Steve returns and asks Mary to take a cab home. No, nobody's heard from Christy but he'd like to try Jade and a few other names. Steve leaves. Mason assures Mary that she'll hear from Christy before long. And if Mary needs any help in finding her sister he makes a pretty good blood hound.
Mary says neither yes nor no, and thanks him for not throwing back in her face all those things she said to him about his family during the trial. She was really afraid that he would. Though she surely remember every word.
Mason replies that she is forgiven. But as penance she will have to forego the cab and let him drive her home. Mary smiles and nods.

* * *

Laken and Ted returned to Lockridge's house. They hug and kiss but soon they are interrupted by the phone call. Ted does not want to get up but Laken answers and hears Christy's voice. She wordlessly hands the receiver to Ted.
Ted asks if Christy is alright. People worried about her. Where is she? He suggests that it's somewhere at the rail station. But Christy asks him to stop asked about her and listen. He must be careful. She ran away to protect him. There's man. He might be after Ted and he's dangerous.
Ted asks if the man who raped Christy, and she admits it. Ted tells her to be careful but Christy assures him that the rapist does not find her. She refuses to give his name. Maybe someday but not now. She apologizes and hangs up.

Ted worried about Christy. Laken tells him that Christy did not say that she was in trouble, she said Ted is. Ted wonders if he heard the train station's announcements on the background of Christy's voice.

Laken suggests that Christy's inventing this whole thing just to have an attention. Such as every day she does. Ted thinks that it all fits together. Christy has been raped and she's too scared to say who it is. Now he's out there and she's running because he apparently is after Ted. This means that he's obviously jealous or at least angry to the charges does not stick.
"Okay so now we got to do something about it," Ted says and guesses that they should call Christy's brother Steve Bassett.

* * *

Mary offers Steve to take Mason's help, but he strongly opposed.
He says that Christy is always just same theatre. She's ruined his reputation and ran off like some hunted fugitive. Steve is the one who's got trouble. He's got the DA is breathing down his neck. Mary shocked and outraged. Steve growls that whatever is wrong with this family can be traced back to Christy. Mary shocked looks at him and leaves out.

* * *

Sophia asks CC to go upstairs and have a rest. She leaves but CC have not enough time to upstairs because Mason is comes back. Mason tries to trim CC's wounds and remind that tonight CC will be kept awake by the sound of imaginary stumbling from the walls of his imaginary Channing Capwell Junior's University.
CC calmly replies that the University will be built. Yes, in Channing's name. If Mason is hoping that CC would be small minded enough to, just he forget it. Sophia made CC realize that Channing's sexual preference had nothing to do with the reasons why CC loved him. So why he should love his son any less now?
At this point Sophia returns and upset to see Mason. CC assures her that it's alright, and finally goes upstairs.
Sophia is outraged that Mason is back again. He silently goes to the door. Sophia goes after him and demands to answer. Or he had not done enough damage?
Mason stops at the door and agrees that yes, but he done it to himself. He thought all this time that CC loved what Channing pretended to be. And if he knew that Channing was no better than Mason, may be he would... But it didn't matter. CC loved Channing because he was Sophia's son and hates Mason because he is not.
Sophia tries to take his hand but Mason asks her not touch him. He no longer feels any obligation to fairness for truth. He was beaten before his feet ever touch the ground. So be. Mason leaves; Sophia returns in the house and closes the door.

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