The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall - Page 5

The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Page 5

Mason bumping into Mary when she's carrying the tray of breakfast for the night nurse upstairs. Found out that Mary is not on duty today he invites her on the date tonight. Mary tries to refuse but Mason takes at her word and set the date on this very spot at 8 o'clock tonight. And he promises that if Mary doesn't, he'll go to stand here like a statue until she does. Until he's covered with rust... and a musket moulds in his hand. Mary smiles. At the point Gina comes downstairs: she wants to see Mason but he grabs Mary's tray and takes it upstairs for the nurse instead of Mary just to escape from Gina.

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Gina's showering compliments on Mary because her good work, and she also sympathizes Mary's having the difficulties of getting out a convent into real life and nursing. Mary cautiously says that she was trained as a nurse in the convent, and it's not such a big shock as Gina may thinks. Gina promises to write Letter of Recommendation for Mary to honor her work but she says that Mary should not bury herself in nursing - she should get out there and have a social life too. Although Gina assumes that Mary probably has difficulties in dealing with men since nuns probably didn't train her for things like. Mary shakes her head, confirming that they did not. Gina's sure that sooner or later Mary will learn to do this. Gina leaves and Mary puzzled looks after her.

* * *

Gina is in the atrium and calls to Mason who passing through the hall to the entrance door. She tries to invite him to have lunch together and then begins to seduce him. Mason moves away. He says that they need to talk about the situation. He's going to need Ted and Kelly's support and approval. Eden's too if he wants to establish some sort of a power base at Capwell Enterprises. But he never goes be able to win them over to his side if they are constantly reminded of what happened between him and Gina. He suggests Gina to have to cool it for a while. No, do not end it but just to be discreet and careful. And only for a while. Gina not like this but Mason manages to persuade her.

Mary comes downstairs to tell Gina that CC's doctor wants to talk her about her husband. Gina reluctantly leaves. Mason calls to Mary and makes her go back by pretending that he wants to talk about his father. However, he actually asks Mary if they going out tonight. Mary firmly says "no", she can not agree, but Mason says calmly that he understands her apprehension. He has a reputation for being something of a bad boy, which tends to make nice girls run for their lives. And Mary is certainly a nice girl. But what about if he decide to be on his best behavior? If he abides by any guidelines Mary set? He'll even let Mary tie his hands behind his back.

Mary smiles and asks how Mason proposes to eat and dance like that. Mason answers that he'll be completely at Mary's mercy. She'll have to feed him, lead him He'll be totally dependent on her. Later she may be take pity on him and untie one hand.

Mary replies that Mason is a hard man to say "no". Mason asks if this means that she's saying "yes". Mary cautiously says that it's tentatively. She'll consider it.

Mason smiles. That's a minor miracle for which he's duly grateful. Shall he make a tentative reservation at some charming little place with a meek reputation and a chic clientele? Mary replies that he can make a firm reservation wherever he like.

Smiling Mason says that she made his day and in return he promises to make her evening. Mary shines a bright smile.

* * *

Mary buys the new dress for the date. She asks Kelly what she thinks of her purchase and Kelly says the dress is beautiful. Mason comes downstairs and tells Kelly that she is a witness: Mary agreed to go out with him and now she cannot back out. Kelly adds that Mary's dress is too good to waste on Mason. Mary goes upstairs to change.

Kelly's going to leave but Mason tries to talk her to conclude a truce. However, his younger sister is too angry with him. And she believes that he's using Mary. Mary's a very nice and very innocent girl and she isn't used to men like Mason who have no other goals in life than amusing themselves. Generally, at the expense of someone else. Mason says that this is not true. He's not using Mary. He's certainly not amusing himself at her expense. He like her and she seems likes him too. He'd never known anybody like her before. Kelly retorts that once Mason gotten to know her, he will lose interest. In the meantime while he has nothing better to do, he probably ruins her life. Oh, and by the way... does Mary know the truth about Mason and Gina? Mason angry asks the sister not to tell Mary or he makes her life hell. Nick comes up and stands up for Kelly. He and Kelly leave.

* * *

Mary's room. After dressing Mary looks at herself in the mirror. She wears the new lavender dress and has the cameo on her neck. She nervously smiles and asks her reflection to wish her luck.

In the atrium Mason also nervously straightens his tie and then hearing steps on the stairs he turns around. Mary coming downstairs and Mason go to meet her.

Mary shyly asks if she looks alright. Mason admits that he will answer as soon as he catches his breath. Mary smiles.

Mason pours champagne for him and Mary, and then asks about the cameo. Is it new too? Mary replies that it's her grandmother's. It's the only piece of real jewellery that she owes. Mason touches the cameo. He says that it's beautiful and looks lovely on Mary.

Mary smiles. Seems they said "no hands"? Mason agrees but says that Mary had to keep reminding him of that. All evening if necessary. Unless, of course, she happen to forget. Mary smiles slightly.

* * *

Capwell's house. Mason and Mary are going to the restaurant. Mary is visibly nervous and Mason says that they could stay here if she like, have a quiet dinner alone. There's no one in the house. Will be just for two of them. Mary's becomes nervous even more and chooses the restaurant. They run into Gina at the door. Gina tries not to let Mary go with Mason, referring to some noise from the CC's life support equipment. Mary is sure that the night nurse will know if there's anything wrong but she agrees to go upstairs to check on.

Mary leaves and Mason is quite keenly asks what's Gina want. He informs Gina that they are going to the Orient Express for dinner. Gina is jealous. They are discussing the need to be discreet about their relationship. Mason insists, Gina tries to object. They both agree that they need each other and do not want to end their affair.

Mary comes back and says that all machines are fine. She and Mason leave.

* * *

Mason and Mary are walking into the restaurant and Mark, the maitre d'hotel shows them to their table. Mason tells Mark that they would like to start with some champagne. Mark knows what Mason likes.

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They sit down at the table. Heard the music Mary smiles. It makes her think about her high school prom. She had a good time and her partner was her classmate who is a priest now in New York City. Mason suggests that Mary broke his heart, but she says no, they were just friends. Her mother made the long plaid dress for her and picked out flat shoes so Mary wouldn't look so tall. And then she taught Mary to dance. When she'd get home after work at night they'd dance in the living-room. Mary sings her mother's favorite song, and Mason says that his father had the same record. Mary remembers her mother's dance lessons, and Mason invites her to dance.

Mason and Mary are dancing. Gina appears at the door and watches them. She is jealous. Augusta comes up behind and looks at Mason and Mary too. She notices that Mason seems to be enjoying himself with CC's little nurse. She is quite lovely in a wholesome sort of way. Gina tells Augusta mind her own business. Augusta sarcastically notes that it's hard to watching them grow up and go out on dates. She ironically supposes that Gina's here to chaperon as Mason's step-mother. Gina retorts that she just wanted to get out of the house for a while. She just happened to have the perfect baby-sitter for Brandon - Lionel! She leaves, leaving Augusta to cherish her confirmed suspicions.

Mason and Mary finish the dance and return to their table. Gina watches them from a distance.

Mason says that Mary has a civilizing influence on him and he likes it. He feels very calm for the whole evening. Everything seems very new and perfect. Mary says that she is so glad because she was afraid. She's not very interesting person. Mason tell her don't be afraid anything. He asks what Mary was like before she went into the convent. "The same as I am now, only younger," Mary answers. Mason wish he'd known her then. Mary thinks that he wouldn't like her. They wouldn't have had much in common. Mason says rather she wouldn't have liked him. Mary asks why, and Mason answers that he didn't like himself much then. He asks what she is doing tomorrow, and Mary replies that she'll working at the clinic. And how about the next night? The answer is the same. Mason suggests that Mary's trying to tell him she'd like to take things slowly. Mary answers that there's nothing to take slower or fast and they were just having dinner.

They do dance again. Mason jokes that Mary's dancing very well for a danceophobe. It's a terrible affliction. It's starts of with an aversion to romantic music, and tendency to say "No" when asked to dance. The next thing you know, person can't even stand the sight of a radio. They tremble at old Fred Astaire movies on television. First thing you know, they've taken a night job at a clinic, just in case somebody asks them out for dinner. Mary confusedly observes that the music stopped. Mason says that she is on the road to recovery. They return for their table.

Mason wants to visit Mary's clinic but she's objects: it's strictly for people who can't pay. Mason wants that she was not quite so unselfish, but Mary explains that it has nothing to do with that. She'd just discovered when she was a teenager that having some sort of volunteer work just makes her feel better about herself... and about the world in general. So it's actually very selfish. Mason should try it too. Mason replies that he does not have time for it. He'd made a personal mission out of Mary.

Mary says that he's much like his father. Mason responds that she does not know his father, so how she can say that? Mary says that she knows CC's reputation. Strong, direct, won't take "No" for an answer. While in his room she sometimes feels ... Mary apologizes, noticing Mason's face but he asks her to continue, and Mary says that she's feeling CC's power. How hard he's fighting in his silent battle for his life. Mason says that this is the indomitable spirit of CC Capwell. Mary tries to turn the conversation to Mason and CC's relationship but Mason politely and firmly stops her.

Mary says that she admires his sisters: they are so self-assured and not embarrassed about being admired. They are proud... "And sexy," Mason smiling. He says that the sex appeal isn't something you can work at. It's a part of whatever a person happens to be. Man or woman. And Mary already has it. She likes it or not. Mary give him an uncertainly smile and says that she may as well like it. Mason says that he sure does.

* * *

Mason and Mary return to Capwell's house. They thank each other for a very nice evening. Mason moves closer to kiss Mary but she pulls back and starts nervously praising this evening. Mason says that he's going to kiss her but Mary says that he's not. Mason leans to her face but Mary's turning her head away at the last moment and Mason kisses her ear.

Mason says that he doesn't usually kiss ears on the first date and Mary quickly says that it's very late for her and she needs to bed. She goes into the house and shuts the door but then she suddenly realizes that Mason's staying outside though he actually lives here.

She opens the door again and apologizes. Mason says that he's used to having doors closed in his face, but not his own one. Mary tries to apologize again but Mason interrupts her and offers to take it again from the top.

He thanks for a lovely evening. And actually kisses Mary, taken her unaware. They wish each other good night, and then they finally kissing, already with Mary's initiative.

They walks into the house, and Mason suggests that Mary to see her to her room upstairs. Smiling Mary agrees. They start to go upstairs, but at the point Gina come back in the house. She asking how was their dinner. Mary says that it's fine, and she goes upstairs. Mason looks hard at Gina and follows Mary.

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