The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Page 50
Mason visits Sheila with the subpoena, she continues denying her affair with David. Mason says she cannot get David's attorney (Julia) on the phone and calls Lockridges at first and, having made sure Julia is not home, calls David to the hotel from Sheila's room. Julia, who has just made love with her defendant, answers the call with the slumberous voice. Mason rings off and says Sheila that nobody answered. He slides to David's room and, by paying to the waiter from the restaurant and hearing Julia and David talking to him about the champagne they allegedly ordered, Mason makes sure Julia is there.
In the morning Mary wakes up when Mason is going to go to the court. He asks Mary if his tie looks sincere. Mary answers it is very sincere and finds Mason to be more handsome than before. Mason presumes that it is because he is self-confident, as he has the information about his opponent.
Mary gives Mason an umbrella to fulfill his image and promises to come to the court to see his work. Mason says she will inspire him and, after all, she should not miss the opportunity of going out while they do not have ten children.
His words about pregnancy make Mary think about such danger. She says they have to discuss it, as it is not proper time to have children and they should be careful at least before she gets the annulment. Mason asks her not to worry, as they will take care of it. He leaves but Mary can't help worrying.
In the afternoon she comes to the court where Sheila and Courtney are being examined with considerable bias. She reminds Mason their morning talk. Mason says that the thought of having a child should not scare Mary, as she will be a wonderful mother. Anyway, Mary insists on the serious talk. Mason smiles and says they will discuss everything but not at the courtroom.

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