The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Page 63
Mason approaches Mary, she asks him to give her a rest. Mason reminds her that if her story is in newspapers it will help another women with such problems. Mary answers that she thinks about the child and she has no wish to revenge. Mason denies being moved by revenge but Mary doesn't believe him.
Mason says Mark was violent earlier, with Bobby and Janice. Mary says that Mason overreacts as if it had happened to him, Mason says he feels this way when it concerns her. He adds that if they don't file a charge against Mark he can win the case of custody. Mary doesn't believe Mark can take the child away from her.
She thinks that she will be able to make Mark leave them alone. Mason says they cannot trust Mark, even if he agrees with something now; he can change his mind in the future. Mary doesn't agree with Mason's point of view. Mason says that she has been isolated from the world for long time, and Mary answers it is not the reason for ignoring her opinion.
Looking for Mason, Julia calls him, and Mary picks up the receiver. They are talking. Mary says Julia that she wants to talk to Mark, as she hopes to have everything settled without a trial. Julia advises her not to do it but says that she wants to help and appoints a meeting at the Orient Express, Julia says that she is on Mary's side.
Mary leaves Mason a note and goes away.
At the Orient Express Mary runs across CC. The latter expresses sympathy toward her. Mary says that the annulment is impossible because Mark doesn't agree with it. CC asks what will happen if the marriage is never annulled. Mary answers she will divorce Mark and marry to Mason.
"A divorce. A break with the church," CC says. "It's a critical decision." He asks whether Mary came up to this decision by herself or under Mason's pressure. Mary says it is her decision, and to file a charge against Mark is Mason's idea she doesn't agree with. CC says that what she wants is the most important. He would want Mark punished but it doesn't worth her suffering. Mary says with relief she is very grateful for him for these words, they are very important for her.
Mary sees Mark coming to the restaurant. CC asks if she wants Mark to go away (hinting he can arrange it). Mary says she doesn't, as she wants to talk to Mark and goes toward him.
The latter says he has been looking for her and wants to talk to her face to face. Mary says she wants to go to the open air and offers coming up to the roof. They go away together.
Mason reads the note at home.
"Mason, I've gone to the Orient Express to meet Julia, don't be angry, there must be the way to put a stop to this before it destroys us all. Trust me please. Mary".
Mason crumples the note and leaves the flat.

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