The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

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The phone rings in the Capwell's residence. There's no one to answer so Mary pick up the receiver.
To her surprise it's Mason. He is also surprised that Mary answers to the phone in his father's house. Mary explains that she takes care of CC who was just moved back home from the hospital. Mary's trying to find out where is Mason and convince him that his family genuinely worries about him but Mason does not believe it. And he asks Mary don't even mention that he called. He doesn't want to see anyone. But he needs a few of his things and he asking Mary to bring him these. There's a pack of some of his clothes, in his bureau. She'll find a suitcase in the closet. Mason asks just leave it outside in the gazebo. He'll stop by when he can and pick it up, some time around seven this evening.
Mary likes to see him but Mason really not given to. However he approves her new job and wonders how Mary managed to get it. He surprised that Mary was approved by Eden and says that that's a high compliment, Eden doesn't approve of many people.
They say goodbye. Mary just hates to think of Mason alone, wandering around out there. If there is anything she can do for him?
"If there were, you'd be the... first person I'd call. But there isn't," Mason replies and then hangs up.

* * *

Ventura. The Duvall family's house. Laken asks Cruz to let her to talk to Ted alone. Just one last chance to get the truth out of him. Cruz reluctantly agrees.

Everyone leaves but Laken asks Ted to stay and talk.

* * *

Mary's carrying Mason's suitcase downstairs but immediately runs into Gina.

First Gina decides that Mary's going to quit her new job and just sneaking away not telling everybody but then she recognizes Mason's suitcase and asks what Mary doing with it.

* * *

Laken says Ted that if she'd be Christy she probably would have done the same thing. Steve was a monster, he deserved to die! But that was between Christy and Steve. And Ted does not own anything.

Ted says that he owned to keep his promise. He promised he would stand up for and be a friend to Christy.
Laken is indignant that he is even willing to go to the jail for her.
Ted replies that he's not going to turn his back on Christy and he's not going to go to prison for twenty years.
Laken wonders why it's for twenty years and Ted answers that he does not know exactly but that's what Steve said.
Laken suddenly aware the meaning of his last words and asking when Steve said it. Before or after he was shot? It was after his shot, is not? It had to have been. That's why they two are so scared.
Ted says that he can not tell her. Laken says that then it's over between them. She loves Ted but she cannot be with the man who will not be honest with her. And Ted's refusing to tell her because he doesn't trust her. She doesn't think that's right. They can't trust each other. Laken thinks Ted don't have much going for them.
With these words Laken leaves. A moment later Ted calls after her and asked to come back but to no avail. He's thinking for a few minutes and then decides that he'll tell Laken the truth.

* * *

At Lockridge's Augusta's tries to find Laken. Ted appears and she lashes out at him accusing that Laken disappeared because of him. August gives Laken's goodbye letter to Ted. It's opened.

Laken writes that even if Ted hasn't meant to hurt her but she is hurt. Love cannot stay alive without trust that she knows. She's willing to do just about anything for Ted but she can't stand by and watch their love die right before her eyes. So she decided to leave.
Ted tearfully buries his face into the closed door and wonders what he'll do without Laken.

* * *

The repeat of Gina's and Mary's meeting. Gina recognizes the suitcase as Mason's one and Mary says that he'd left a lot of things in the closet and she thought that he would probably need them when he gets back. Gina immediately snatches the idea about Mason's possible coming back, and Mary wriggles out that Mason can't stay disappeared forever, so she just thought that he would probably need these things in his apartment when he gets back.

Gina does not agree: she believes that Mason's going to come in Capwell's house where he belongs. She takes the suitcase from Mary promising to give it to Rosa. Then she stops and gives a strange look to Mary. She says that just thinking for a moment that may be Mary and Mason... but then she just remembered where Mary spent her last few years. And if Mary was to go after a real live man at this late date, it certainly wouldn't be a Mason Capwell type, now would it? Gina goes to see Rosa, confused Mary looks around.

Drunken Mason, sipping from the flask, coming in the gazebo. He reminds himself that it's the enemy territory and he's need to watch out.

Frustrated Ted confronts Augusta about Laken's departure. Augusta believes that Capwells cause nothing but pain people they love. Ted swears that there have not been any more secrets between Laken and him. And he will find her! No matter how long it takes.

* * *

Mary appears in the gazebo. Mason says that he was afraid that she would not come. Mary reminds that she promised to. Mason says that he shouldn't have doubted her even for a minute.

He says that she looks nice, Mary smiles and thanks him but says that he's looks bad. Mason apologizes and explains that he seems to have been neglecting the basics: eating, sleeping, changing clothes. But he hasn't forgotten my manners. Can he fix her a drink? And he offers his flask to Mary. Mary smiles and refuses. Mason thinks that it's wise and takes another sip.
Mary apologized that she could not bring his suitcase. It took a moment Mason to realize what she's meaning but then he remembers his own request. Mary explains that she's stopped on the way out of the house by Gina who said that she wanted all Mason's things exactly where they were, because she wanted Mason to be able to move back right into the house as soon as he got home. Mason says that Gina always looking out for his best interests. But he wonder if she's forgotten that he'd been finally and formally banished from this Hell-wood Capwell grounds.
Mary says that doesn't seem to matter anymore. And explains that things have sort of changed since Mason's father had his stroke. Gina seems to be in control and if she wants Mason to move you back into the house, she'll just have him do it.
Mason suggests that Gina must've grilled Mary pretty good about the suitcase. Mary smiling responds that Gina did. But she managed not to give Mason away. Mason surprised that Mary lied for him. He touched. Mary says that no, actually she tried not to lie.
Mason says that he just assuming too much. But in fact he meant that Mary's protecting him. And he's grateful. Their faces come closer like for a kiss but Mary quickly pulls back and says that she had to come back to the house. And try to bring the suitcase again for him. Mason tells her to forget about the suitcase, there are more important things.
"Like what?" Mary asks.
"Like the sunset," Mason replies, gesturing to the setting sun. "There is not much left, but what there is choice."
Mary admires by the beautiful sunset, Mason looks at her in profile. He lightly touches her hair and says that the last rays of the sunlight are reflecting in her hair. Mary closes her eyes for a moment and then tries to return Mason back to the reality. Where's he going tonight? Where's he going to sleep?
Mason says that he would sleep on the beach, under the stars. Smiling Mary says that he can't do that. There are also lots of strange characters on the beach at night. Mason retorts that he'll be one of them. Mary becomes serious and says in fact it could be dangerous.
Mason says that it's no more dangerous than that at home. What they say about a nest of vipers?
Mary says that's not true and that Mason should be with your family right now. They are worried about him. Mason responses that he's not worried about them. Not one little bit. He haven't thought about them for one moment and it's some of the happiest moments that's he'd ever spent. And he sips from the flask.
Mary softly says that he does not look happy. Numb is not happy. It's just numb.
Mason says that that's better whatever it is, it's better than what he was feeling before.
Mary says that it's not real. It's hiding out and it's not the answer. And she has to know that, because she'd been hiding out for a long time.
Mason looks at her and asks so what is the answer? Is he going to find it in her eyes? Are they the windows of her soul? Mary's somewhat an expert on matters of souls. Mary shakes her head and asks him not to make the mistake of thinking that she knows any more about souls than he does. Mason says she must've saved a few in her former capacity. Though he doesn't think she could've his own. Even Mary and a hundred other angels couldn't do that.
Mary tries to run away, fearing someone might hear their conversation but Mason asks her him don't go. Mary says that someone can see him.
Mason says that he's need a friend right now. And Mary's doing such a good job of it. He promise won't hurt her. Mary did not think that he would hurt her.

Drunken Mason encourages Mary to sing By the Light of Silvery Moon, and they're singing it together. Mary afraid that someone would hear them and asks Mason sing not too loud and then just put her palm over his mouth.

Mason objects that she's stopping him from enjoying himself. He never did that before.
"You mean, you've never sung before?" Mary asks .
Mason replies no, he'd never sat in the moonlight and harmonized with the pretty girl. It's like these movies they grew up with. With people going on hayrides, and county fairs, and other such bucolic things. Of course, he always scoffed at those in the past. Mary laughs and says that Mason is a great scoffer. If there were a scoffing championship, she would put all her money on him.
Mason seriously asks her: is that how she thinks of him? As a cynical "stands-at-the-outside-never-getting-involved"? Mary replies that she used to, yes. But she's seeing something else tonight.
Mason says that he's seeing something different in her too... Previously there used to be a sort of struggle going on inside of Mary. When she got out of the convent she was fearful, everything was guarded, expecting disappointment. Now he can see optimism and may be even a glimmer of excitement.
Mary smiles and agrees, but she adds that she still hasn't figured out a new direction for her life yet. Mason offers her to take a chance to experiment. She can do anything she wants: make a trip around the world, take up plane gliding or sky diving. Mary says that the world tour is going to have to wait, because she needs to spend time with Christie. And then there is Mason's father, of course.
Mason rises and turning away. He says that Mary must think it's strange that he hasn't even asked about his father. Mary replies that if he did, there wouldn't be much to tell. There really isn't much change. She just mostly makes him comfortable, keep track of his intake, and adjust his medication. Mason says that this sound kind of tedious. Mary says that there are two other nurses, who take over for her. This is why she does can be here right now.
Mason says she must be sort of hang around looking for some indication that the tide might be turning. Mary diplomatically replies that it might. You never know.
Mason says that his father doesn't deserve Mary. Mary objects that everyone deserves a second chance at life. Mason asks about her second chance. She'd given herself one and all she's doing are taking care of other people. What about her? He offers her to be selfish. Try to find out what it is that thrills her and touches her, makes her laugh and takes her breath away.
Their faces come closer again; Mason takes Mary's chin, obviously intending to kiss her but at the moment they're hearing the approaching voice of Gina. Mary panics.
But it is too late to escape: Gina comes in the gazebo. She sees Mason and rushes to hug him with joyful scream. Mason interrupts her offended words to Mary and explains that it's not Mary's fault - he was who swore Mary to secrecy. He wasn't really planning on staying. He was just trying to pick up a few things.
Gina firmly says that Mason's staying. There's so much he don't know. Incredible things have happened. When she tell him all about them, he wouldn't dream of leaving.
"Well, if you say so, Gina," Mason says.
"Oh, Mason, I say so," Gina confirms. Mason looks at her with interest.

The Beginning: 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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