The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall
The Beginning

Part 37
Felicia Dalton questions Christy. He asks if she resisted when Steve showed up and grabbed her. And how Christy got the gun.
Christy answers the truth: she resisted Steve but it didn't do much good. He told her about his plan and what he was going to do with her. And she got her stepfather's gun from the hiding place under the carpet where he's used to keep it. Steve said her that she could not do it and then Ted came in and Steve turned around and get his gun on Ted. Felicia asks how she felt when she shot him. Christy says that she was scared and really could not believe what she pulled the trigger. And Steve's just lying there in blood. Felicia immediately asks whether he never regained consciousness. He died instantly? Christy flinches and says she does not know. May be hemoved a little bit and made some noise like groaning.
Felicia questions Christy about her feelings at very moment when she shot Steve. Christy tries to repeat her previous answer but Felicia wants to know what else. She assumes that Christy felt relieved because she saved Ted's life. That's she did it? Christy shot Steve to save Ted? Christy mumbles but Julia comes to Christy's help saying that her client had the clean line of things. Felicia asks her last question for Christy: when she pulled the trigger if she felt any remorse? Christy answers that she hated Steve. He raped her. He took her life away. She's never going to be like any of them anymore. She's alwaysgoing to be the person who was abused.
Coming out of the interrogation room Christy immediately goes to call Ted, and they agree to meet about hour in the Orient Express.

* * *

Julie tells Felicia that Christy obviously telling the truth. And she's not in condition to go to another trial after all.
But Felicia has no doubts: Christy's lying and Ted so is.

* * *

Julia tells Cruz and Eden that DA's office's going to prosecute Christy a murderer and go after Ted as an accessory.
Eden appalled. Cruz tries to calm her down explaining that it's just the order to continue to investigate. Then Cruz says that if Ted lied so he's in major trouble and he offers Eden to talk to Ted.

* * *

Christy meets Ted in the Orient Express. She says sadly seems she just ruined all. Ted calms her and then he says that they really need stick together. Julia comes to them. She wants to talk to Christy and Ted has to leave.
Ted immediately caught by Eden. She tells him about perspectives of the prosecution and the investigation and asks him not to sacrifice his life for Christy. She urges that Christy does not deserve it. She tried to accuse him of rape. She went to court day after day and she lied. Every day. And now she's trying to involve Ted in a murder charge.
Ted says that Christy's not lies right now. And there's nobody she can rely on. Eden's upset. Ted promises that he's tells the truth. Ted tells Christy of about perspectives of their charges and then gently asking if how bad it would be if he just told the truth now.
Christy tells Ted that it seems like he's her only chance. Ted reminds her that he made her the promise.

* * *

Gina tries to hire a nurse for CC. Being interviewing the prospective hire refuses to change her own patient's sheets and Gina rejects her.Suddenly instead of the next potential nurse Gina sees Mary.
Appeared Ted explains that it was he who called Mary and asked her to come.
Gina interviews Mary and looks in her resume. Mary confirms that she worked for two years in an intensive care unit and she can give Gina all the references if she like. But Gina puzzled. She thought that Mary hated Capwells. Mary replies that she did. But that was before she found out the truth and she don't feel that way anymore.
Gina decides to hire Mary as CC's nurse and offers her to live in Mason's old room, which is closest to CC's room. Mary ready to start her duties immediately and Gina invite her to go upstairs.

* * *

Laken comes in Capwell's house. She tries to convince Ted to tell her the truth. Ted says that it is better if Laken don't know. If he tells it'll make her an accessory. He doesn't want that.
Laken shocked. Is he saying he's been lying all along now?

* * *

Gina takes Mary to the room of CC Capwell. They talk about CC's condition and possibilities of his recovery. The lighting hit outside andGina admits that it makes her terribly nervous.
Mary's trying to calm Gina and then asks her whether her new room used be Mason's room. Gina confirms it but she says that Mary don't have to worry. He doesn't want it if he is not even here right now.
Gina picks Sophia's picture up the bedside table and takes her away saying she don't want any pictures of Sophia anywhere in this room. CC hated to see her. And she doesn't get him sad.

* * *

Laken continues to convince Ted to tell her the truth. She blames Christy and her selfishness for the whole situation. Christy does not care about Ted, all she cares very saving herself!
Ted demands her to stop attacking Christy. Christy is scared, she's lost and she needs someone who will stand up for her.

* * *

Christy and Julia arrive to Duvall's house for the upcoming reconstruction of Steve's killing.
Christy confesses to Julia she's afraid of this place and points the spot where Steve's body was earlier.

* * *

Laken doubts that Ted tells the truth.
Cruz tells her that he knows Ted. If Ted is lying it's because he loves Laken and wants to protect her and keep her from becoming the accessory. Laken sadly says that it's such a terrific way to show somebody you love them.

* * *

In CC's room Mary starts her duties as the nurse. Eden comes to see her father and unpleasantly surprised by Mary's presence. Mary explains that she was hired by Gina. Eden angrily says that Gina had no right hiring anyone without consulting with Eden first. Does Mary have any experience with her credentials? Mary recounts her experiences and adds she'd provide her full resume if Eden like to see it.
Eden cools down a bit and asked how CC's doing. Mary answers that he seems comfortable. There were no ill effects from the moving and his vital signs are stable. Eden asks Mary to leave her alone with CC and Mary obeys.
After Eden's leaves out the room Mary returned to. She checks CC's vitals and sitting with the book in the chair. Gina comes in. She is nervous and trying to make a small-talk. She's tells that CC was under an awful lot of emotional pressure all the time. And sometimes she thinks it'd be better he's off dying then having to come back to all of this stressing, this deal be over again. Mary replies that it's always better to live. Gina doubts.
At the point the blow of thunderstorm makes the total blackout - all electricity is off as well CC's life-support machines. Gina panics.

Ventura, the Duvall family's house. They're begins the reconstruction of Steve's shot.

Cruz asks Ted to repeat all his moves when he came in the house just before the fatal shot and then he specifies where everyone was standing at the very moment. Cruz makes Capwell's lawyer Eric to portray Steve. Then he asks Christy what's happened next. Christy says that she just shut her eyes and pulled the trigger.
Cruz asks if she knew what she's doing. Christy answers she knew she wanted to do. She wanted to stop Steve before he could hurt Ted. Then they're playing Steve's fall after Christy's shot. Cruz asks where exactly the gun did fell. Ted and Christy both say that Steve dropped it on the floor immediately after the shot.
Cruz waits for them to re-confirm their words and then says that they are both lying.

* * *

The Capwell house. In the dark room Mary's trying to find the switch to backup power. Gina distracting her, crying that CC's going to die.
Eden burst into the room and pushes Gina aside. Mary manages to switch on CC's life-support machines.
She checks CC's pulse and confirms that he's stable and was not affixed from the support system long enough to make a difference. Gina still can not calm down after just seeing the terrible situation. Eden apologizes to Mary for being so critical about her earlier.

* * *

Ventura, the Duvall family's house. Cruz shows the lab report. It states clearly there's no evidence whatsoever this gun was dropped. It's practically brand new. And if Ted had told him that Steve fell with the gun in his hand and it would have made sense, and Cruz would have believed Ted but he have they both insisted that Steve dropped the gun before he fell. No evidence whatsoever of abuse on this weapon. No from the rug, no down the floor so would do justice to a gun this heavy falls in on it.
Ted says that he don't care what Cruz's lab report says. That's how it happened. So there has to be some other explanation. Eric intervenes, saying that possible that the gun hit Steve's shoe and broke its fall and so there'll be no marks. Cruz replies that he checked the shoes. It's not a mark on them.
Julia wondered what about Cruz's own conclusions. What does he think happened? Cruz thinks somebody took Steve's gun out of his pocket after he was dead and put it on the floor by his hand.
Christy and Ted stubbornly deny everything. Cruz almost shouting that they are begging him to deliver their necks to DA, both of them. It's a real stupid mistake for them. Once he hit that door the case will be out of his hands and he will not be able to help either one of them at all.
The continuation on Page 2 of the main section of the story.

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