The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

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The same night was considered to be Mary's and Mark first conjugal night.
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Mary apparently did not show the excitement over bedroom duties execution, and Mark said suddenly that he was very tired and wanted to sleep. The first night nothing has happened between them.
Next day Mary and Mark tried to sleep with each other but Mark failed.
In the next morning desperately upset with his impotence Mark went to "Buzz's" and there... ran across Mason, who was no less upset, as he thought Mary to be in the bed with Mark that time. But Mason's joy lasted short; as Mark left immediately and it was reported by TV that Eden Capwell is at the hospital after the attack. Of course, Mason goes to the hospital at once.
However, in spite of the life menacing condition at the beginning, Eden is recovering quickly. And Mary decides to help Mark and buys books about sex and sexy underwear.
When she accidentally leaves her bag with the books at the Capwell's house, Mason finds them and, having decided it is his sister Kelly's things, looks though them. Mary comes and wrests her bag from his grasp. After her leaving Mason begins dreaming about Mary and him. Also Mary, having returned to the guest house, begins dreaming about Mason, as a matter of fact, Mark's hand turns into Mason's hand in her dream and Mason happens to be with her in the bed instead of Mark.
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Mark read that his sedative medicine can give a impotence as it's a side effect and throw out his pills.
In the evening Mary puts her sexy underwear on, and Mark becomes angry and crazy because, having found the sex manual, he understands Mary is trying to help him. He says they do not need the sex manual and leaves, banging the door.
Since this moment Mary and Mark begin quarreling almost constantly. His anger and humiliation caused by the impotency, Mark vents on Mary, who looks for the reason of conflicts in her.

The Beginning: 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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