The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Page 44
Mason and Mary return to Santa Barbara. They say good-bye to each other near the convent, as Mary wants to say good-bye to Sister Isabel. Mason is afraid that Mary can return to Mark but she asks him just to trust her. Mason goes to Santa-Barbara alone.

Sister Isabel apologizes to Mary for her anger and says she has no right to judge or disapprove her. They say good-bye to each other.

Mason comes home and runs into Mark, who immediately lams into him and asks where Mary is.

Later Mary comes with her cases at the Capwell house, Mason sees her. When she says she hasn't seen Mark yet, Mason says he has seen him and he is very angry. Mary asks Mason if CC won't mind her staying at "her room" in the house. Mason is shining and kissing her.

Mark comes to the Capwell house again and asks Mary to go home with him. He says he knows she was with Mason last several days, as he called to the convent. Anyway, he loves her and wants her to return to him. Mary goes with him to take her belongings.

At the guest house Mark tries to persuade her to return to him in every way. He also says he has recovered from the impotence (it is true). Mary is not attempted.
Then Mason calls for Mary and takes her to the Capwell house. Here Mary still cannot collect herself after Mark's pressure, and Mason asks her to marry him.
Mary cannot believe Mason really wants to get married. She hesitates a little but then happily agrees. But she asks him not to announce the engagement until she is officially devorced from Mark. Mason agrees but anyway, he wants to celebrate this event. Just two of them.

The Beginning: 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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