The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall
The Beginning

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Part 13
Ted wants to persuade Christie that if she tells the truth she will be able to turn over the page and she will have a future; that she may meet a man who will be very important for her.
Christie cries that it will never happen and runs to the door again. Ted pulls her off the door, and that very moment Mary breaks into the house. She catches Ted's hand and yells wildly that he must not touch her sister. She asks Christie whether Ted hurt her.
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Crying Christie answers that everything is all right but she wants to go away as soon as she can. Mary says angrily that the police will be here immediately and goes by Ted to the telephone.
Ted says that they were just talking: Mary can ask Christie about it. Mary answers that he has frightened Christie so that she will confirm everything he tells. It is one more reason to put him to jail. She calls to the dispatcher by pushing one button and asks to connect her with the police.
This moment Mason comes to the room and stops Mary.

* * *

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Mary cries that she will give Ted in charge for the violation of the bail. He must not approach Christie but he does it not only for the first time, even not only for the second time. Mason asks if Christie was hurt. Mary says indignantly that Ted has raped her sister.
Mason says that it is not proved. Mary approaches Christie and says to Mason that when she came she saw Ted holding Christie and threatening her. Ted cries that he wasn't threatening. Mary says that she heard what she heard what he was telling to Christie.
Mason says calmly that he doesn't understand her rage, as Christie was not hurt. Mary cries that Ted has violated the law. Once more. Is it possible that nobody except for her cares about it? Mason says that Ted's guilt is not proved but where is her mercy and sympathy? For the person devoted to service to Jesus Christ she doesn't follow his example enough.
Mary answers that the rage takes its part in her life. And there is a certain grace in the rage that is an answer to the injustice cruelty. Mason asks if it is Mary who decides what injustice is. Why Christie herself is not yelling? He suggests that Christie would give Ted in charge by herself. Christie answers that she just wants to go.
Mary says it is naturally, as she is frightened. She was a hostage here. Mason asks calmly whose hostage she was. She wants to go and it is Mary who prevents her from doing this. Who appointed her to be Christie's defender? Christie didn't ask her about it. And when she needed her sister, Mary wasn't there. Mary ran to the convent, leaving Christie with drinking mother, cruel stepfather and stepbrother, whose short temper is well-known in all the state. Mary should better have a little bit mercy and stop making furious defender. It is too late.
After a tense moment Mary goes to the telephone and calls the police.

* * *

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Mason asks Mary not to call to the police. Ted just wanted to talk to Christie. Mary answers that Ted is a cruel person.
Mason prevents her from calling, Mary requires him to stop preventing from doing this. Mason asks her to look at Ted. Just look.
Mary says that she sees cruel and unprincipled person. Mason says in a low voice that it is not his brother whom Mary is describing. Mary says that she describes her sister's rapist. The person whose face is still scratched after her resistance.
Mason says that the truth will be revealed in the court. And today he didn't hurt anybody.
Mary begins yelling again: "Didn't hurt anybody! Look, in what condition she is!"
Mary rushes to the telephone again. Mason wants to take her hand but Mary springs back and cries almost only in hysterics: "Don't touch me!!! Leave me alone!!!"
Mason says in surprise: "You're trembling. You really think I'd hurt you, Mary?"
Mary asks between her teeth to leave her alone. And Ted must leave Christie alone.
She takes the receiver again and dials the police number. She asks Steve. Ted approaches the door quietly. Mason notices it and asks where he is going. Ted says he doesn't want to go to jail but Ted doesn't hear him and runs away.

* * *

Mary says to Steve that he promised to arrest Ted if he approaches Christie again. He did it again and he must be found and put behind the bars. She says they will be waiting for his call and hangs up. Mason says that she seemed to speak about Jack the Ripper arrest, not Ted Capwell.
Telephone rings. Mason picks up the receiver. It is Gina speaking: she has been looking for him everywhere to tell his that she is released from detoxication clinic. Mason promises to take her home and hang up.
Mary says that he should better find Ted and persuaded him to go to the police by himself. If she were him she would do this. Mason recites ironically "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary...". He says that if she were him, she would be so eager to ruin somebody's life.
"Oh, the way your brother tried to ruin my sister's?.."
Mason asks her again to have mercy, Mary agrees but only after Ted's confession of being guilty.
Mason does not understand why she is so determined to revenge. Doesn't she understand that she can put to jail an innocent person? Mary says that it is no her who put to jail, it is the court. Mason reminds her about her call to Steve and her request to hunt Ted and to throw him to jail. Mary says indignantly that he was released on bail under the conditions of staying away from Christie. Mason says that Ted was wrong but he only wants to know why he is accused of the crime he didn't commit. Mary says arrogantly that such she such people as Mason and Ted are disgusting for her. Mason answers that once she will beg Ted to forgive her. Mary cries that an only person she will beg to forgive her is her sister, for not having protected her from this monster! Mary cries that she hates ted and hopes that he will be in the jail forever. Mason looks at Mary in silence and that says that she chose the wrong mission. She should be in a Lynch mob rather than at the convent.
He goes away, Mary stays with Christie.

* * *

Mary is alone at Perkins' living room.
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"Some day you're going to come to Ted and beg his forgiveness... You and your brother disgust me! ...disgust me... ...a crime he didn't commit... ...didn't commit... He is the most hateful, despicable human being I've ever known... I hate him!!! ...hate him!!! ...You don't belong in a convent, you belong in a lynch mob!.. a lynch mob... a lynch mob... a lynch..."
Christie goes downstairs. "Mary! What's wrong?"
"I don't know. I don't understand."
"What? What's the matter?"
"Oh, Christie, I am so scared of my own feelings. Of my anger. I... I've never felt anything like this before. Now I look at Ted... I wanna attack him with my own hands. I want him dead!!!"
The door opens wide and Mary shudders.
Mason is at the doorstep. He says, smiling: "You can relax, ladies. It's only me."

* * *

Mary is indignant that Mason hasn't found Ted yet. Mason says that it is a matter of time and suggests that she and Christie would go home. Mary says that she promised that she would wait for Steve's call here. Mason says that she has called to everybody, searching for the brother. Mary says that she doesn't believe that he really wants to find Ted.
Mason is put to the edge. He cries that he wants to find Ted, of course. Ted makes harm to himself by hiding; then he apologizes for his losing temper; and for his word about Lynch mob. He understands that she believe that Ted is guilty. He understands that she has reasons for it.
Mason explains what a gentle and kind person his brother is. Mason apologizes for his anger, not for his confidence in his brother's innocence.

* * *

Mason returns to the Capwells house.
Then Gina comes. She sees Santana going upstairs with Sophia to Brandon and wants to stop her.
She grasps Sophia's and Santana's hands, they pull her and Gina rolls downstair.

The Beginning:1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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