The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Page 55
That day Mary comes home and sees Mason drunk.
She tries to stop him but he leaves not wanting to quarrel.
Mary comes to Sophia and tells her about the pregnancy. Sophia is happy about it but asks about Mark. Mary says she does not believe its Mark child, as she was with him only once, when he raped her.
She answers Sophia's question that she is not going to tell Mark about the child because she does not want him to prevent divorce.
Sophia asks how long it will take to divorce, Mary answers she does not know but it must be long enough. She says that only Sister Isabel helps her. Sophia says that cardinal O'Brian is a friend of CC and he could help with the divorce. She promises to speak to CC about it.
Meanwhile Mason is drinking at the bar and acting out a hearing. CC approaches him and says he does not like that Mason has drunk again.
Mason quirks but when CC leaves he asks a waiter for a coffee. CC watches this from the curtain and he is obviously surprised.
Mary is busy with the sewing when sweaty Mason, who has been running in order to evaporate all the whiskey, rushes into. Exhausted, he falls on the floor near Mary and declares his love. He explains that at a moment something happened to him and he realized he should stop.
Mary, wishing to inspire him, tells him about her talk with Sophia and her promise to receive the help from the cardinal through CC. Mason is not happy about it at all and wants to stop Sophia. Mason leaves, Mary follows him.
Sophia tries to talk to CC but CC refuses to help. He believes he should not interfere and he is not sure Mary will be happy with Mason.
Mason and Mary come in. Mason wants to speak to the father face to face, Sophia and Mary leave them alone.
CC says he is ready to do everything for Mary but nothing for Mason. Mason says Mary is going to have a baby. CC is skeptical about Mason's fatherhood. The latter explains that it if very important for Mary to give birth to this child being married.
CC supposes that it is important for Mason himself, as according to the will of Mason's grandfather, CC's first grandson will get twice more then the rest grandchildren. At first Mason tries to explain that he does not take the will into account but then gives a wave of his hand and leaves.

The Beginning: 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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