The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall
The Beginning

Part 24
Mason moves in Capwell's house with his suitcase. Gina is very pleased to have him back and immediately begins to build her plans for both of them. Mason is not happy and says that he have not time for it.
They are interrupted by Cruz's arrival. Cruz informs that his contacting with shirt's buyers have no effect yet. Mason confirms that the cross-examination will be continue today and Steve Bassett is gonna be taken over the case. Gina encourages Mason and shows her faith in his lawyer's ability.
Steve training Christy's questioning in the empty courtroom. She's tired to answer the same questions. Steve angrily says that Mason will repeat his questions over and over just hoping for one slip he can use against her. They really need that her answers will up tight.
He turns to the prosecutor again and asked about fibers that found on her dress after brought to the hospital. How does she explain that? Christy doomed answers that she guess that she have brushed up against someone in the church. Or maybe when she was dancing or in a crowded bus. However when Steve asks about the foreign matter under her fingernails that is not Ted's skin, Christy throws up.
Finding remnants of courage she said that of course the skin was not Ted's. It's Steve's. Steve grabs her hair and reminds that what's going to happen with Ted if she doesn't go along his plans. And then come her turn. There no turning back.

* * *

Cruz leaves out, Mason left alone with Gina, but not for long. CC comes in the atrium and welcomes his oldest son.
Mason explains that he just brought a few things. Now he's gonna take a shower and then get over to the court. CC says that he can't use a shower in his room because it's broken but he may want to use Kelly's room for the time being. Mason goes take a shower, and CC decides to go to the court. He calls Gina to go out but she says he'll go ahead and she sees him later.

* * *

Steve, Theda, Mary and Christy in the courthouse.
Everybody is trying to cheer Christy. Mary asks her to watch out for Mason and don't let him undermine her confidence. Cruz comes in and says that he got Steve's message. They go aside.
Steve wants Cruz stop trying to undermine the prosecution's case. Also he wants to be kept informed about all new discoveries. Its' his right and privilege. Cruz reluctantly shows him the list of customers "rapist's shirt". Steve reads it and his face darkens.

* * *

Gina undressing in the room where heard the sound of water in the shower. She goes in the bathroom and...
"Gina!" Mason screams in the shower.
Mason jumps out of the shower like a scalded cat. Gina is out after him and convinces him to make love to her. Nobody is home, says she. Eden is in work, Kelly is away and CC is in the courthouse. And she's feeling so lonely in this house.
Hastily dressing Mason tries to explain to her that his mind is not here. If he doesn't ask the right questions today, his brother could go to jail. Gina reluctantly agrees to delay their desires but Mason makes her clear that he don't want to sleep with her in the house of his father. It's too risky. If they want some time together they'll to do it someplace else. He leaves, and Gina breaks into a smile.

* * *

At the courthouse Steve calls Adrien and convinces her to spend together a couple weeks on the south of France.
Mason is still missing, Ted gets nervous. Mary is as well. Everybody's calling to go back in the courtroom.
In the empty corridor Steve finishing to order the plane ticket for Adrien as Mason appears. They exchanged barbs and come in the courtroom.

* * *

The hearing resumes. Mason continues Christy's questioning. He says that the sample fibers taken from her skin and clothing on the night of July 17, Wednesday, indicating that she had been in close contact with someone wearing a grey knit t-shirt with stripes of blue, orange and red. He let the jury know that the defendant has been described as wearing a completely different t-shirt for sure containing none of the aforementioned columns. Can Christy explain how these fibers came to her body?
Christy responds as she was taught by Steve. She wore the dress a couple days in a row and she had been to a lot of places that weird pretty crowded. So it was not unusual to be brushed against somebody wearing the shirt that Mason described. Mason points out that they're talking about a bit more than brushing up against someone. Christy says that she went dancing that night. If she meaning that she danced with someone who wore the shirt that he described? Christy says no, she just assumes that it could happen. She danced with quite a few people. But one alone could have been wearing the shirt he's talking about. Mason suddenly show up the shirt look like Steve's shirt during the rape and imposes it to Christy.
Christy just remembers Steve and the rape, her self-confidence giving crack. However she finds the strength to deny that she saw a similar shirt. Mason asks her for a few times but Christy does not answer. Steve states the objection. He says that the witness will answer the question if she gets the opportunity. The judge makes a comment to Mason, and he comes back to Christy. He reminds the court about fingernail scrapings - they were taken at the same time the fibers were collected. This is exhibit C: scrapings taken from under the witness's fingernails after she was admitted to the hospital on the night of July 17. In the previous testimony is already established that portions of the scrapings contain fragments obtained Ted Capwell's skin. However other material also identified as human skin that is yet to be identified. Has Christy any idea where this unidentified skin might have come from? Christy says no. Maybe she might have scratched someone else that night? Christy says she does not know. Mason asks her to think carefully and answer. Did she have any kind of altercation with any other person other than Ted Capwell? Christy is silent, not knowing what to say.
When her silence keep continued, Mason asks the judge to instruct the witness to answer the question. The judge tells Christy that she should answer. Christy continues to be silent, and Mason states that the witness refuses to answer. He submits that she's afraid to because the answer is yes. Steve jumped up with the objection that the witness not is given a fair chance to answer. The defense counsel slowly trying to confuse her. However, the judge overruled and says that the witness must answer. Mason violently pressing Christy. Ted Capwell was not the only person who she scratched that night, right? She had another far more serious confrontation with another man and that in fact he was the one who raped her, not Ted Capwell? Christy cries that she was raped by Ted.
Judge call to order and warns Mason be careful and not put words in the witness' mouth. Mason reformulates the question. Steve tries to state the objection but the judge overrules and asks Christy to answer. Christy repeats the phrase that fiber cloth apparently got on her clothes by accident. Maybe during the dance. Mason pretends to be surprised. He says that she don't remember what any of her dance partners were wearing and now she don't remember whether she might have scratched one of them so hard that his skin was found underneath her fingernails. It's makes her crazy on this issue. Could she been under the influence of alcohol or another drug on the night in question? Steve states his objection and says that questions totally irrelevant to the issue. The judge agreed with him and sustained the objection. Mason has to accept it. He goes back to the argument that Christy had with Ted Capwell over the bracelet that he had bought for somebody else. Will she admit that she had admired that bracelet? Christy accepts it. The truth is she hasn't been fortunate enough herself to own such a costly and delicate piece of jewelry? Christy says no. Mason remembers her that she was under oath and asked if she wanted that bracelet of her own? She wanted it and she took it. She's not going to get it fixed as she previously testified. Christy denies it and says she did not steal that bracelet. Mason says she lied about the bracelet and Ted's guilt for the same reason. Because she's afraid. She's afraid that the attacker will come after her and get his revenge if she exposes who he really is. Steve angrily jumps up with the objection and the judge again overrules.
Tired Mason apologizes and says that he has no further questions.

* * *

Christy, Mary, Theda and Steve go out of the courtroom. Theda says that she so proud of Christy. Mary comforts her younger sister. Steve says that it's was the last time when Christy taken her stand. Because the prosecution's case is over. It's the defense's turn to call witnesses for their site.
Gina meet exhausted Mason. He tells her that she don't miss much. Gina offer to go home and have a rest. At this point, CC comes in. Mason tells the father that he just going home. CC wants to stay and talk with Ted. The deputy said he could have a few minutes with Ted before they took him back to jail.
Santana approaches them. She wants to see Ted also. CC agrees to take her along. Gina takes Mason at home. CC says that when he finished talking with Ted he must finish up some business at the office. Santana memorized his words.
Cruz explains Ted that he finished to contacting almost all people who bought that shirt. Its' the last two - one guy left at about a month ago and the woman named is Adrien San Martin just left town for Europe. Steve hears the conversation and calls Cruz aside. Steve asked if there anything new about who's the mystery man and Cruz reluctantly says that it's nothing so far. Steve sarcastically said that maybe Ted Capwell is the right man after he is. Cruz says through his teeth that he does not think so. Really do not.

* * *

Mason and Gina come back to Capwell's house. Mason tells about Christy's acting in the court. She changes story and she wouldn't budge. She's lying. It's written all over her face. He could not help it.
Gina offer to come up with her and promises to give him a nice long massage. Mason looks at her and says that she don't have to do it.
Gina says that she want to. It's the least she can do after he did for her though all the rough times. Now it's her turn to help him. Together they go upstairs.

* * *

Steve seeks Christy and asks Theda and Mary. They do not know where she is, but Theda says that Christy must have been hiding somewhere from everyone. And Mary adds that Mason was very rough on her in there. He did everything he could to characterize her as a liar Theda leaves to find Christy, Steve and Mary are left alone.
They discuss the today's hearing and then Mary says that she thought that Christy recognized the shirt at first. It's strange. Although in fact Steve have one that look alike to it.
Steve freezes and re-asks her. Mary says it's not so unusual. There are thousands of look like shirts. Steve with relief says that she probably right. He had something like but he must have given it away with the rest his old clothes. But where is Christy? Mary says that Christy need some time to get herself together before facing the world. She's sorry her sister and wish this would end soon. Steve promises that it will. She should not worry about.

* * *

CC and Santana talk to Ted. He dispirited because of the last hearing and they try to comfort him.
* * *
Gina does massage Mason. The phone rings but she does not try to pick up the phone. Mason finally takes it off.
At the other end is Santana. She hears Gina voice's and contently smiles.
She silently hangs up and at the point CC come to her. He's going to go to the office but Santana lies that she's talking with his secretary on the phone who said to tell him that the reports he's going to the office weren't ready yet. CC upset. Santana offers to take him home and CC agrees.

* * *

Theda finally comes in with Christy. Steve says that he wants to talk to her alone for a few minutes. Mary and Theda go out, and Steve immediately become rude to Christy asking what the hell she doing. She almost went into hysterics. She must get herself together!
Christy cries that she can't do this anymore. Do what? Their part is over!! Christy says that no, its not. She had to sit in that courtroom and see how Ted suffers. She just can't stand it.
Steve says that she should be to find a way. He'll be damned if she does fall apart when they so close to the victory. Christy replies that so bad he doesn't tell her how to do it.

* * *

Mason talking on the phone with Cruz. They must just keep pushing. If Mason can't get through Christy to finding that the suspect is his only hope.
Gina does caressing him, and Mason ends the conversation. They are dancing to the music.
CC and Santana come back the house. CC painfully rubes his head and Santana offers to bring an aspirin for him. CC thanks her and goes to his study.
Santana goes upstairs and listening at the door where the music is heard. She contently smiles.

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