The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Page 24
Mason's take-over causes antagonism of the other Capwells and they go away, following resentful Eden. Mason celebrates his victory on his own.
But it does not last long, because CC chooses this very moment to appear in front of all the family and Mason in particular.
See screencaps
Mason is astonished a great deal but says he is glad to see his father although he understands what can it cause him personally. He is trying to question CC about his remarkable recovery but the latter is short-spoken. Having collected himself a little, Mason offers his father drinking for what has helped him to overcome a coma - for vengeance.
Gina appears at the atrium and by her reaction Mason sees that she has helped CC to arrange his pompous reappearance. He wonders why CC placed confidence in Gina. CC answers he is not crazy to trust Gina, he just used her when he needed it.
CC meets other relatives, Mason sees the father take his younger brother in his arms and feels himself outcast.
Mary was the last who learnt about CC's recovery. Having entered, she talks to Ted and only later sees who is sitting in front of her.
Shocked Mary looks at her former patient while he is explaining her that he is all right and asks her to examine the guard of his room, whom he has hit on the head to go downstairs unseen.
Having made sure that the guard is all right, Mary takes CC to his room and CC promises Mason and other relatives that he will have a word with all of them soon.
Mary finds Mason in the gazebo. He is very upset and scared of what the father may say to him.
Mary tries to comfort him but she fails. All Mason's thoughts are about his father.
However, then he changes the subject and supposes her heart to be with Mark, Mary answers it is with nobody.
Mary says it is time for her to go to the clinic. She offers Mason going with her, he agrees, they leave together.

The Beginning: 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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