The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Page 48
Mark comes to the Capwells after Mason's phone call. Mason demands Mark to tell what he has done to Mary: beating? Assaulting? Mark answers back and, of course, explains nothing. Mason says that he is going to learn everything by himself soon, as Mary has agreed to dinner with him and promised to tell everything. And that when he learns everything he will sit to Mark lose his medical license. Mark answers that he can do what he wants to but Mary is Mark's wife and she belongs to him. And he leaves.

Mary dresses for the dinner with Mason. She is embarrassed when Sophia admires her dress and convinces her to think about her happiness with Mason.

She asks Mary to tell Mason about the rape but Mary hesitates, because she is afraid that Mark would deny everything in his conversation with Mason, and Mason would believe him rather than her. Sophia is sure that her doubts are groundless, and, of course, Mason would believe her.
Mark comes to Mary, who demands him to move out of the guest house, as she is going to return there. Mark is surprised and indignant, he believes they can make up with each other, and he can settle at the living room until their reconciliation.
Mary can hardly contain her indignation; she says that reconciliation is impossible and she will divorce. She reminds Mark of the rape and says that the love between them is out of the question. Mark tries to deny being a rapist but then admits his guilt, and asks not to make his life a burden. Mary says she is not going to go to the court but she will tell Mason about it. Mark says it will destroy his medical career, as if Mason learns about it, the whole city will learn about it as well. He asks Mary not to tell Mason anything.
Mason comes in advance to the Orient Express and checks if everything is ready for his dinner with Mary. Having noticed Sophia and Eden at one of the tables, Mason asks Sophia if Mary is already on her way. Sophia confirms it with a smile. After her brother has left, Eden says that he is shining with happiness.
Mary comes to the restaurant and Mason accompanies her to the reserved table. Mary apologizes for her behaviour recent days, admitting she was not just towards him. Mason resumes that it was due to Mark.
Mary takes the wedding ring off her finger meaningfully and says she does not want to speak about Mark anymore. And says that she is going to file a petition for divorce.
"This time I came prepared," Mason says and gets out of his pocket a box with a ring. He asks Mary to take it as a sign of their love.
Mary is dazed and admired the gift, she tries to mind accepting the ring but than agrees and takes it.
Mason goes on his knee in front of her and asks if she would take him to be her lawfully wedded husband. Mary says she would and they are kissing. All the visitors of the restaurant applaud them.

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