The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Page 29
When Mark stays alone with Mary, he confesses her that he was guilty of his patient's death (it was her husband who tried to make Janice witness against Mark).
Mary forgives him and says she is going to marry him. They inform the doctor entered the chamber about this news and Mary goes to the hall.
At the hall she thanks Mason for everything he has done for her and says she wants them to be friends.
At this moment the doctor comes from Mark's chamber and says Mark's condition is very bad. He has a cardiac artery blood effusion and he is going to die soon. He says to Mary that if she is going to marry him she should do it right now, at the hospital. Otherwise Mark may fail to live to it.
The doctor goes away and Mason tries to comfort Mary, says everything is going to be all right.
Mason is busy with preparations for the ceremony, Eden helps Mary with dressing up and all the Capwells gather at Mark's chamber.
Before the ceremony CC takes Mary in his arms and says he feels as if he is marrying his own daughter.
Mary and Mark took oaths.
After the ceremony Mary stays in the chamber with Mark. She speaks to Mark about their incredible future but suddenly Mark's heart stops.
Mark is urgently taken to the surgery; Mary stays in the hall and waiting for the doctors' judgment. Mason is permanently with her. Mason congratulates Mary with her wedding. Mary thanks him for his support and says she is afraid of the moment when the doctor comes out and says that Mark is dead.
The doctor comes from the surgery and informs Mary that Mark will stay alive.
At the first moment her expression imports shock and fear. Then she collects herself and embraces the doctor.
The doctor goes away and at the last moment calls her "Mrs. McCormick",
Mason wishes her to be happy and goes away.
Mary stays alone.

The Beginning: 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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