The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall

Great Thanks to Svetlana from Vladivostok the translation!

Page 27
However, Mark's vengeance comes very soon. In the morning a box was delivered to Mason's apartment. It turned out to be full of rats when he opened it!
Meanwhile, Mark and Mary are talking in the clinic. Mark laughs, when saying about his trick. Mary smiles but she does not find this deed to be smart.
Mark takes the opportunity and gives Mary the ring.
Mason calls to the rat destruction service and tries to collect the ones he can reach.
Julia happens to be at Mason's apartment just in bad time. At the beginning Mason refuses to let her enter but then he permits her to come in.
However, he warned her that he does not take consequences. As the result, Julia screams from the shut door.
Mary is shocked at Mark's proposition. But she is not sure she wants to get married to him and tells Mark about it. Mark is not very glad but he accepts this. He tries to convince Mary to live with him in common-law marriage and to take the ring in any case but she answers she cannot do that.
Disappointed Mary enters the Capwell's house and CC asks her what has happened. Mary tells him that she cannot understand what she feels. Then Mark comes and CC offers them going together to the Capwell's house in the mountains to have a rest. They agree.
Mark leaves, and Mary runs into Mason at the Capwell's front door.
Mason informs her that Janice has asked him to help her to divorce from Mark, and says that such a hurry of Mark means that Mark has made Mary a proposition. Mary confesses that Mark has done right this.
Mason points out that she did not accept Mark's ring. Mary says to him that she and Mark go to the house in the mountains.
Mason realizes it is his father's proposition and comes to CC. The latter does not deny giving Mary the keys of the Capwell's mountain house and Mason accuses him of manipulation of people and demands him to live Mary alone.

Mary and Mark arrive to the mountain house and notice at once that Eden's car is parked next to it. As a matter of fact, Pearl and Julia have enticed Eden and Cruz into this very house to help them to put together. And they came there being unaware of each other's arrival.

Mark attempts to create the romantic spirits but Mary thinks about the Capwells and Mason, and the photographs in the house help it.
When Mark tries to kiss her, Mary runs away from the house. Mark follows her but fails to get up to her and comes back.
Later Mary apologizes to Mark. He gives up the attempt to turn the trip into the love affair and tries to amuse Mary.
Eden and Cruz enter the house and four of them clear up the situation. Eden and Cruz decide to go away and leave Mark and Mary tete-a-tete in the house. They say good-bye to each other. At Cruz's request, Mark goes out to take the rusty gas-bag (for it not to be damaged on the open air) and suddenly sees the fire around the gas-bag (Kirk, who went crazy with jealous, arrived to pick up Eden but saw her sitting in the bath and talking to Cruz, decided to kill them both).
Mark calls Cruz and at this moment the horrible explosion occurs.

The Beginning: 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part
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