The Love Story of Mason Capwell and Mary Duvall
The Beginning

Part 31
Ted tries to convince Christy that he not going to hurt her. Yes, he hates what she did but he just saw her too scared to do anything else. That's why he did those letters and tricked her to see Jade's. Sure he'd scared too. He didn't want to go to prison for something he didn't do. But he also knew something was wrong. He is angry right now but he's not going to hurt her physically or even tried.
Christy quietly says that she can tell when it's coming. Ted says that he's fine if she feels guilty. That's not why he's here. He wants to know who was this guy so they can stop him before he tries to hurt her again. Christy starts to cry. Ted has no choice but hugs her and tries to comfort her.

* * *

CC mocks Mason's promises to tell some new devastating discovery about Sophia. He is sure that it's will not work and he's trying to guess who may be the next aim. Ted? Kelly? Eden?
Mason stubbornly repeats that Sophia still lying him. She's been lying to him since the day they met. CC says that this nonsense and he trust her completely.
Mason says that it started way back when CC and Sophia first met. The first time when she spoke him was on a beach, wasn't seem? Like an accidental meeting, just one of those things. But it wasn't. Lord knows how long she has been tramping up and down that beach scouring the horizon for some sign of him.
At this point Sophia and Gina come in. Already aware about CC's aneurysm Gina worries about CC but he want her just stay away. He already told her that she could stay in this house on the condition if she would keep away at his side. After Gina's next resentful words Mason notes that nothing would have happened between her and him if CC only treated her decently.
CC replies Mason don't blame him on Mason's own disgusting acting. Mason and Gina welcome to each other. Gina tries to stop Mason, not allow telling the truth to CC. Mason tells his father that Sophia intercepted letters which CC wrote Pamela when they were still able to reunite.
CC believes that's ridiculous. Mason says that Sophia stole his mother. The day she walked out that door his fate was sealed. Mason remembers that he was crying and she knelt down and hugged him. She said him to be good and she'll be back. And Mason was good. He was the best little boy in the town. He never got dirty, never spoke until spoken to, he always did exactly what he was told. He didn't realize until it was too late and CC did decide that Mason was a gutless weak and despise him forever but Mason put up with fewer neglect Channing's abuse, with Eden's spoilt answers because he thought that maybe if he was good enough someday CC let his mother come back. And then Sophia disappeared and they thought that she had died. Well he thought maybe it's now. But it's not... Sophia was the one who came back and Mason hasn't heard from his mother. Maybe she knows that Sophia is here, maybe she's dead. Maybe she just doesn't care anymore.
CC says that whatever happened to Pamela is no one's fault. Mason argues that it's Sophia's fault. She did it to both. She admitted to Mason. Sophia denies and Mason says that he heard it from Augusta. CC says that even if Sophia had done what Mason says, it was about long time ago. They both made mistakes. And he don't care how they fell in love is a material. How he feels about Sophia he could never feel about Pamela. Mason offer to see. And he says that Sophia made a full confession. Not him, to a priest of Catholic Church just a few days from the wedding.
Sophia who so long tried to interrupt Mason finally manages to takes him aside and asks not to tell the truth to his father. Mason is not going to stop but he is very surprised when Gina asks him to do the same thing. Gina worries about CC's health and makes clear that she knew about his aneurysm. CC angry that Sophia told her. Gina tries to convince him that she's sleeping with Mason just because she was neglected by CC. She thought he loved her and it was too painful to feel his rejection. CC says that he's not going to forgive her. He never loved her and the marriage was the price he had to pay to keep Brandon in this family.
Sophia says that she's regret about she did to Pamela. Really regret. Mason doesn't believe her, and she just says that CC is very ill.
Mason asks to spare him about the melodrama. Does she want to say that the CC is in so a fragile condition and the shock might finish him in a sec? Sophia confirms this but then sees that Mason clearly does not believe her. At the point CC comes here and wonders what they were talking. Mason reluctantly says it's nothing. Nothing for he's going to here.
Gina says that if Mason does not tell the truth she'll do. She even tries but just can not say. CC says Mason that now he'll walk out that door and he's not coming back to harass him again. CC's going to get an injunction against Mason from ever stepping foot in this house or seeing Sophia or CC or Brandon ever again.
Mason says that CC won't need the injunction. He won't be coming back after today. He had the moment of weakness but it's over now. He remembers that as a child he cried himself to sleep so many nights after he has been kneeling by his bed praying that CC would die. Like a monster would come forth out to sea and eat him alive. Mason cried because he thought only horrible evil child could wish such thing. And his wish comes true now. A monster has crawled out of the sea and Mason has but to give the word and CC will be eaten alive. CC says that he's sick on Mason's self-pity. On trying to justify hating CC for the middle person that Mason become. On recount every moment of his childhood before Mason were ten.
Mason says that CC left them has trampled bodies by him as far as the eye can see. When he's alone holding the sword now. Today's the day he come to power. Evil Giant about to fall from his throne. And his wicked queen will fall with him.

* * *

Christy recalls how she behaved on the trial. She almost ruined Ted's life and enjoyed it and he tells her that he's sorry.
Ted says that the fact is she didn't ruin his life and she didn't enjoy it. Is she trying to make him hate her? She has been punished enough. He tries to persuade Christy to contact to police but Christy flatly refuses. She did not see the point. Even if they will take him away for five years. What can stop him from come looking for her? And it won't be just a rape or beating! He'll kill her! Ted tries to say that five years are a long time. The life can change. She will get help. He would help her. Christy says it's nice of him, but unrealistic.
Ted says that in fact the only person she trusts is this guy. And he's the only guy about she think and count on. She needs trust somebody else who can help her. Now it might as well be Ted. Christy says that it's alright. But there are some things that Ted doesn't know.

* * *

Capwells moved to CC's study. Jack Lee describes the changes of positions of Capwell Industries. Barring Mason entirely with Eden to become the director and Brandon as the co-director when it comes to the edge. Jack Lee named as legal advice. Gina Capwell well is also dropped as an associate. In addition Jack announces the new will of CC. Leaving Mason and Gina Capwell the some of one dollar each. With the usual language to make clear that this is not an oversight but deliberate decision evidence. Also Sophia is now numbered among CC's beneficiaries. And there is a petition for dissolution CC's marriage to Gina Blake Demott Capwell and request for custody of his adopted son Brandon. Jack leaves out. Gina screams that she was not surprised that CC will take everything away from her and give it to Sophia. But the custody to Brandon – never! She will not let CC take her son!
Mason says that they're going to have the last laugh. Sophia won't get custody of Brandon. Because CC won't want it.

* * *

Christy is nervous and constantly looking out the window. Ted tries to calm her and assure that he will not leave her alone. He is trying to understand what exactly he does not know.
Christy says that she not planned to accuse him of rape. It just happened: when she did wake up in the hospital there were all her family and Cruz Castillo. She probably was slipping Ted's name in her sleep and Cruz asked her who did it. And Mary and her mom said "it was Ted". She remembered Ted and the bracket she took it. Stole it. Because she was mad at Ted for not being the same way like she was. She's not blaming anybody. And she said "yes" without even thinking about it. She just said "it was Ted". Because she was so mad and so ashamed about what happen. She hated Ted then. Even though she knew she was on her own fault. And then by the time she realized what she was doing it was too late. She had to stick by it. And there were her mom and Mary. For once they're all there when she needed them. When it really counted should be. Ted smiles weakly and asks if it's feeling good. Christy replies "no". There was exists a lie still. She knows that this sounds awful but she think it was the closest they ever came to being happy family. The way happy families response to act when is some kind of crisis. And she knew if she would change her mind after she sounded so sure it would justfall apart. But she still would have done it. Except he was there.
Ted shocked. He asks if she means the man raped her. He was at the hospital? He came in and threatened her at the hospital? Christy says that she knew she should just call someone right then. He should be the one to be afraid right, not her but she just... she could not. She could never do it. Ted realizes that it's was not the first rape for Christy. He raped her before? It happened once before? Twice?
Christy quietly replies that she even does not know. Ted is utterly shaken. Christy suddenly comes up with the idea to flee abroad. She wants to ask Ted money and help but he says that the running is not the answer. Christy asks if he didn't tell anybody that he's coming here. Ted says that just Laken but she would not tell anyone. The only person she might tell would be her brother Steve. But he is not anybody.
Christy immediately loses heart and says that Ted is right. The running is not the answer. He'll find her like he does always. Ted tries to convince her to go to the police but Christy blankly says that police cannot help. But she knows what she has to do. She has to kill the rapist.

* * *

Capwells are in CC's study. Mason recalls that just before he was back in the world, back on the board of directors. Once again CC has changed his life. Well Mason's about to change him own. Utterly. Rekindled with a vengeance the feud with Lockridges and will sunder the bond between CC and his beloved Sophia forever. CC considers that it's not in Mason's power.
Mason says that he only seems so because he does not understand a monumental deception. Channing's death a study in a destiny. And there is a gruesome mockery of the fact that he was pre-selected at birth to be CC's namesake. A mirror of CC. CC says that Mason always commented that name. Sophia tries to convince CC to make Mason leave and get an injunction. CC believes that they have nothing to fear from Mason. He's always sounding like is announcing the end of the world. Like last time when he spoke about Channing's brief interlude of homosexual.
Mason says that homosexuality is not a cold. Not something you can catch because it's going around and inlays you up for a few days. Do started the whitewash in CC's head already have just like always. Channing's arrogance he called self-confidence. His lives in schemes were only peccadillos. His abandoned his own child and the woman who bore him was independent spirits. But there is something CC can't whitewashed. Channing Capwell Junior was not one...
At this point he was stopped by Sophia. Mason loses temper and yells her shut up. CC's looking at them and suddenly realizes that Sophia knows what Mason's going to tell him.
Ted tries to convince Christy that she should not kill the rapist. Yes, she has every reason to do but she'll become the one is going to pay at the end.
Christy says that one will pay anyway. She pulls out wrapped in a cloth the gun from under the floor and tells Ted how his stepfather walked with it through the house and she looked at the gun and hoped that if she's concentrating really hard and it blow up in his hand. But it not the way it works in a real life. In a real life you're going to hold it and pull the trigger.

* * *

Mason tells that as a kid as he dreamed to learn that CC was not his father. And in his upper grades he even checked his blood type hoping that it's not match with CC's. But no avail. The crashing disappointment was to learn that he was really undeniably certifiably CC's son. CC retorts that he's also so many times wished that Mason was not his son. When he had to apologize for Mason's drunken brawls or to settle down other unpleasant problems.
Mason says that they both are losers. The true of form Channing was lucky one. Why? Because the blood spilled onto the carpet that night Channing's killed. They still see the ghost of its airspace. Sophia tries to stop Mason but he is going all the way. He tells his father that the blood that flowed through Channing's veins never came from him. The face, the golden hair, the eyes, the hands, the bones – only the name. Channing was not son of CC Capwell.

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